Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Legal and ethical issues in health occupations Term Paper
Legal and ethical issues in health occupations - Term Paper Example Health and wellness form the basis of any society and that explains why health care matters are given more weight including stringent legal and ethical structure. According to the text of study, various laws are applicable to ensure quality service delivery by the healthcare professionals. Top in the list is the law of contract which provides all the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement between two or more parties. It also bears the corresponding remedies to breach of such contractual obligations by either or all the parties. Under this law, the healthcare providers are at liberty to charge the cheapest on their medical supply to the healthcare facilities like hospitals, dispensaries and others with the primary aim of improving the health of the patients and this would not amount to antitrust by similar competitors. This is in line with the code of ethics expected of healthcare professionals that requires that the lifesaving comes first at even no pay then other things fol low. For instance, when a given health officer offers healthcare at any relatively cheaper cost, no entity can seek legal redress over this since it serves the purpose of service to humanity (Judson, Karen, Carlene and Karen 43). The law of contract also assumes that any healthcare provider is answerable to the state at any given time over his/her conduct immediately the permit to join practitioners is issued. Any breach of the contractual agreement by a healthcare professional is a big problem that is severely punishable owing to its attachment with life which is invaluable. The legal concept of tort also affects the medical professionals at large and is always given a serious attention by the society to tame errant medical practitioners. This law deals with civil wrongs that their remedy does not carry with them severe government action on the defendant but is always solved by compensation to the plaintiff and other constitutionally defined remedies. In this case, negligence remai ns one of the thorniest issues with the healthcare providers. In this scenario, the patient trusts the ability and care of the professional with his/health conditions (Reviews 58). This means that the medical staff needs to take all possible actions within their knowledge and ethics of work to ensure safe administration of health care to the patient. For instance in a case where a patient has been diagnosed with a given infection, it expressly imply that the doctor is able to quote the appropriate prescription. In the event that an individual suffers from a wrong prescription by medical personnel, the aggrieved is allowed to seek legal redress and obtain compensation in the form of treatment costs or undertake another prescription from the healthcare professional. This goes hand in hand with the code of conduct within the ranks of healthcare sector which oblige any healthcare provider to act with utmost professionalism and care. Even within the healthcare sector exists criminal aspe ct of the law which is punishable by jail, dismissal from the practitioning body and other punitive measures. As a healthcare prof
Monday, October 28, 2019
IKEA Global Strategy Essay Example for Free
IKEA Global Strategy Essay Introduction: A network that covers a broad area (i.e., any telecommunications network that links across metropolitan, regional, national or international boundaries) using leased telecommunication lines. Related terms for other types of networks are personal area networks (PANs), local area networks(LANs), campus area networks (CANs), or metropolitan area networks (MANs) which are usually limited to a room, building, campus or specific metropolitan area (e.g., a city) respectively. If you have a large campus network using routers and dynamic routing protocols and an internal infrastructure, you do not necessarily have a WAN. A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. If your network uses a network infrastructure that is owned by your service provider, implementing WAN technologies, you have a WAN. Computers connected to a wide-area network are often connected through public networks, such as the telephone system. Body: The distinguishing features of a WAN: Sending data long distances Although distance is not a true criterion for determining whether your network is a WAN, most WANs do span a great distance, and the technologies used in the WAN depend a great deal on the distances involved. If your WAN spans only a single city, across town is a long way; nevertheless, your carrier may choose different technologies for that distance than they would if your network spanned a state, country, or continent. Although long distances are not criteria for defining a WAN, commonly, WANs do span substantial distances. Implementing routing protocols Routing protocols are also not true criteria for a WAN definition. A WAN can either use manual routing or implement a routing protocol such as RIP or EIRGP. Although larger, more complex networks like a national WAN may be easier to manage when implementing a routing protocol, their use does not dictate that you have a WAN. A large corporation could have a single (but large) building or a campus of several buildings that causes the network to have several routers. To make life easier on the routing front, you could choose to implement one of the many available routing protocols. So, although most WAN environments make use of routing protocols, not all networks that implement routing protocols are necessarily WANs. Using carrier equipment Means the equipment from your telephone company that allows you to connect your network to the backbone of its network. These network connections can be digital subscriber line (DSL), frame relay, fiber optic, broadband cable, or another technology used by your telephone company or network provider. This component really turns a network into a WAN, allowing your traffic to travel between your locations while traversing another provider’s network, mainly your ISP or telephone company. In some cases, this traffic may cross several providers’ networks. If you are connecting two offices and they are in different countries, you may be crossing networks owned by a regional provider, which connects to a national provider and then crosses borders and travels across the other national provider to another regional provider before finally reaching your other branch office location. It is this use of other people’s networks that really defines use of a large LAN versus a WAN (LANs are covered in the next section). So, a WAN is not related to the size of your network, or to your choice of routing protocols, or to any other factors. Consolation: However, in terms of the application of computer networking protocols and concepts, it may be best to view WANs as computer networking technologies used to transmit data over long distances, and between different LANs, MANs and other localised computer networking architectures. This distinction stems from the fact that common LAN technologies operating at Layer 1/2 (such as the forms of Ethernet or Wifi) are often geared towards physically localised networks, and thus cannot transmit data over tens, hundreds or even thousands of miles or kilometres. This could be to facilitate higher bandwidth applications, or provide better functionality for users in the CAN. A CAN, for example, may have a localised backbone of a WAN technology, which connects different LANs within a campus. The textbook definition of a WAN is a computer network spanning regions, countries, or even the world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Biblical and Classical Interpretations of the Witches of The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Biblical and Classical Interpretations of the Witches of The Scarlet Letter        The theme of witchcraft is woven into the fabric of The Scarlet Letter. The introductory "Custom-House" chapter includes an appeal by the author to remove any witches' curses on his family. Once he takes us back to the Boston of the 1640's, he frequently hints about the cohorts of the "Black Man" who meet in the woods beyond the town. But if the reader understands the classical meaning of the word witchcraft such as used in the Bible and other classical works, then we understand that Hawthorne had something more in mind than the sad cultists like Mistress Hibbins. The real witch of The Scarlet Letter was a far more sinister character, a personality who makes a significant statement about the nature of man.  The Greek New Testament and Septuagint on Witchcraft Witchcraft occurs only once in the King James New Testament and sorcery twice--Galatians 5:20, Revelation 9:21 and 18:23. The word in the Greek New Testament in all three cases is pharmakeia, derived from the word pharmakon ("drug"), the source of the English word pharmacy and its cognates. The standard koinà © Greek-English Lexicon translates the word as "sorcery" or "magic," but its cognate "sorcerer" (pharmakous) used in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15 is translated "mixer of poisons" as well as "magician." The root of both words, pharmakon, literally means "poison" or "drug."1  A few key Old Testament passages about witches which are often associated with the puritans such as Exodus 22:18 ("Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"--KJV) use pharmakous in the Septuagint--the word translated sorcerer in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15.2 The Greek New Testament and the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Scriptures use different words such as mageia ("magic") when other types of occult practices like calling on spirits or using curses are meant. In English such words are usually translated "wizard," "necromancer," or some other appropriate word or phrase.2 Because of the Greek word chosen in each case, it appears that the New Testament authors and Septuagint translators understood the idea of witchcraft in terms of the use of drugs or poisons.  Finding the Witch according to this Definition Now there is a character in The Scarlet Letter who would be convicted of witchcraft, Mistress Hibbins. She characterizes the witch of New England folklore such as we see in "Young Goodman Brown.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Law Enforcement Today Essay
Trust is a huge issue police department’s face in today’s society. Society’s faith in policing has been diminishing as the century has passed because of corrupt police officers and brutality scandals. An immense amount of law enforcement administrators are overwhelmed with the task of again bringing a trust worthy structure to police departments. One reason for the corruptness is the extraordinary level of drugs, growing gang members, and guns in the different cities. Agencies are blind to see who they are hiring, some departments continue to hire the wrong type of people then are forced to participate in cover-ups of misconduct in hope the department will not receive a bad reputation. Money, a controversial issue, can be another factor. Officers that know and deal with the dangers of the daily life that citizens are living each day, are helpless to finding real hard-core evidence or gain real suspects as some small town departments are not funded for the more serious crimes. Stress is likely an issue that police officers in today’s society deal with. Humans just like the rest of us, police officers cannot show any symptoms of weakness in front of their co-workers, or emergency services as well as public safety workers, but more importantly the accused. Police officers do not have an easy job. These men and women are forced to make split-second decisions involving the life or death of not only themselves, but of the victims as well as the accused. Sometimes the decisions that officers make can result in serious injury or bring death to the wrong person. In some instances police officers are killed because they do not act quickly enough or make immediate decisions. Each day officers are subjected to danger and extreme mental coupled with physical stress. Unfortunately this intense amount of stress can cause officers to engage in brutal offenses, which reflect opon the department, such as beating the guilty or snapping on the innocence. Violence is another issue police department’s face daily. About 70 percent of police officers who suffer from bullet inflicted wounds leave the police force within seven years of the experience. â€Å"Police are admitted to hospitals at significantly higher rates than the general population and rank third among occupations in premature death rates (Sewell et al, 1988)†The federal government supports State and local authorities when their resources are in high demand or are predicted to be overwhelmed. The federal departments are there to respect the independence in addition to responsibilities of local, tribal, and State governments while providing assistance. The Department of Homeland Security also known as DHS is on the federal level, though state governments are assigned to lead the role in Homeland Security. In response to the assignment, many states brought together existing public security, law enforcement, and emergency response services by drawing them together and opening channels to other states. The connection between DHS, law enforcement, and intelligence has practically demolished as some law enforcement departments are becoming more like intelligence agencies while the existence of foreign intelligence is primarily improved. The Department of Homeland Security, in hopes of improvement, has established the six-point agenda. The agenda begins with 1. â€Å"Increase overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events 2. Create better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently 3. Strengthen border security and interior enforcement and reform immigration processes; 4. Enhance information sharing with our partners 5. Improve DHS financial management, human resource development, procurement and information technology 6. Realign the DHS organization to maximize mission performance. †In the year 2006/2007, Congress developed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act which requires the Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications to create an order to provide a roadmap that will improve the Nation’s emergency communications purpose. The National Emergency Communications Plan is a goal setter in hopes to enhance governance, planning, technology, training and exercises, as well as disaster communications capabilities. It also makes recommendations available which include improvements of the emergency response in emergency communications. Police departments can improve by cleaning up the corruption in their departments in addition hiring the right types of individuals, lowering the number of minutes in response time, and obeying the law themselves.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ford and Toyota Case Study Essay
1. Which schools of management thought are illustrated in this case? When Ford was founded in 1903, Henry Ford followed the classical management thought to a â€Å"T†(no pun intended!) They made one car in one color. The classical management thought believes there is â€Å"one best way†to do things to accomplish a goal. Ford wanted to produce cars quickly to meet with demands, so at that time the classical management thought made perfect sense. Another part of the classical management thought is that managers constantly look for ways to improve the process of doing things. Ford then moved onto both quantitative and systems school of management though. They wanted to improve the ways they were using to design cars. Ford began using computers to help them more effectively achieve their goals of designing cars that would please their customers. Also, Ford wanted to meet and exceed any demands their customers may have thrown at them. This illustrates the systems school of management thought. Toyota demonstrated the contingency school of management thought. By studying Ford’s process and recognizing the need for and capability of improvement, they are being creative, learning from the past, and accepting diverse opinions and methods for doing things. Finally, both Toyota and Ford clearly demonstrated the quality school of management thought. Both companies focus a lot of efforts on quality as it is perceived by customers. In order to keep their customers happy, the companies listen to what said customers want. 2. Customers’ perception of quality includes performance, reliability, durability, serviceability, and aesthetics. What else do car customers want? Add to the perception of quality and create a list of the most-desired quality characteristics in a car Adding to what the book says is the perception of quality, car customers seem to want or are interested in consistent safety features, fuel economy, comfort, price, handling, environmental impact, and possible maintenance costs.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition of Victorian
Definition of Victorian The adjective Victorian is used to described something from the period of the reign of Britain’s Queen Victoria. And, as Victoria was on the throne for more than 60 years, from 1837 to 1901, the term is also used to describe things from the 19th century in general. The word is used to describe a wide variety of items, such as Victorian authors or Victorian architecture or even Victorian clothing and fashion. But in its most common usage the word is used to describe social attitudes, implying an emphasis on moral rigidity, priggishness, and prudery. Queen Victoria herself was often perceived as being overly serious and possessing little or no sense of humor. This was due in part to her having been widowed at a relatively young age. The loss of her husband, Prince Albert, was devastating, and for the rest of her life she wore black mourning clothes. Surprising Victorian Attitudes The concept of the Victorian era as repressive is true to some extent, of course. Society at the time was much more formal. But many advances were made during Victorian times, especially in the fields of industry and technology. And a number of societal reforms also took place. One sign of great technological progress would be the enormous technology show held in London, the Great Exhibition of 1851. Queen Victorias husband, Prince Albert, organized it, and Queen Victoria herself visited the displays of new inventions in the Crystal Palace on numerous occasions. And social reformers were also a factor in Victorian life. Florence Nightingale became a British hero by introducing her reforms to the nursing profession. And the novelist Charles Dickens created plots highlighting problems in British society. Dickens had gotten disgusted with the plight of the working poor in Britain during the period of industrialization. And his classic holiday tale, A Christmas Carol, was written specifically as a protest against the treatment of workers by an increasingly greedy upper class. A Victorian Empire The Victorian Era was a peak time for the British Empire, and the concept of Victorians being repressive is more true in dealings internationally. For instance, a bloody uprising by native troops in India, the Sepoy Mutiny, was brutally put down. And in Britains closest colony in the 19th century, Ireland, periodic rebellions were put down. The British also fought in many other places, including two wars in Afghanistan. Despite troubles in many places, the British Empire held together during Victorias reign. And when she celebrated her 60th anniversary on the throne in 1897, troops from across the empire paraded during the massive celebrations in London. The Meaning of Victorian Perhaps the most precise definition of the word Victorian would restrict it purely to the years of the late 1830s to the beginning of the 20th century. But, as it was a period of so much happening, the word has taken on many connotations, which vary from the notion of repression in society to great progress in technology. And as the Victorian Era was profoundly interesting, perhaps that is inevitable.
Monday, October 21, 2019
8 Tips to Prepare for Your Comprehensive Examination
8 Tips to Prepare for Your Comprehensive Examination Virtually all master’s and doctoral programs require graduate students to take comprehensive exams. Such exams are exactly that: Comprehensive, intended to cover the entire field of study. It’s a big deal and your performance on your masters or doctoral comprehensive exam can make or break your graduate school career. Learning all there is to know about your field is daunting, but dont let it overwhelm you. Be systematic in your preparations and follow these tips to get your studying underway and prepare for your comprehensive exams. Locate old exams Students often do not take individualized exams. This is especially true for master’s comps. Comprehensive exams are often administered to groups of students. In these cases, departments usually have a stack of old exams. Take advantage of these exams. Sure you likely will not see the same questions, but the exams can provide info about the kinds of questions to expect and the base of literature to know. Sometimes, however, comprehensive exams are tailored to each student. This is particularly true for doctoral comps. In this case, the student and advisor or sometimes a comprehensive examination committee work together to identify the range of topics covered in the exam. Consult with experienced students. More experienced graduate students have a lot to offer. Look to students who have successfully completed their comps. Ask questions like: How are comps structured? How did they prepare? What they would do differently, and how confident did they feel on exam day? Of course, also ask about the content of the test. Consult with professors. Usually, one or more faculty members will sit down with students and talk about the test and what to expect. Sometimes this is in a group setting. Otherwise, ask your mentor or a trusted faculty member. Be prepared with specific questions, such as how important is understanding and citing classic research as compared with current work? How is the exam organized? Ask for suggestions on how to prepare. Gather your study materials. Gather classic literature. Conduct literature searches to gather the newest most important pieces of research. Be careful because its easy to become consumed and overwhelmed with this part. You won’t be able to download and read everything. Make choices. Think about what you’re reading. It’s easy to get swept away with the task of reading, taking notes, and memorizing oodles of articles. Dont forget that you will be asked to reason about these readings, construct arguments, and discuss the material at a professional level. Stop and think about what youre reading. Identify themes in the literature, how particular lines of thinking evolved and shifted, and historical trends. Keep the big picture in mind and think about every article or chapter - what is its place in the field at large? Consider your situation. What are the challenges you face in preparing to take the comps? Locating and reading study materials, managing your time, keeping productive, and learning how to discuss the interrelations of theory and research are all part of studying for comps. Do you have a family? Roommate? Do you have the space to spread out? A quiet place to work? Think about all the challenges you face and then devise solutions. What specific action will you take to combat each challenge? Manage your time. Recognize that your time is limited. Many students, especially at the doctoral level, carve out time that they devote exclusively to studying - no working, no teaching, no coursework. Some take a month, others a summer or longer. You need to decide what to study and how much time to devote to each topic. Its likely that you have a better grasp of some topics than others, so distribute your study time accordingly. Devise a schedule and make a concerted effort to determine how you will fit in all of your studying. Each week set goals. Each day should have a to-do list. Follow it. You will find that some topics take less time and other more time. Adjust your schedule and plans accordingly. Seek support. Remember that youre not alone in preparing for comps. Work with other students. Share resources and advice. Simply hang out and talk about how you’re approaching the task and help each other manage the stress. Consider creating a study group, set group goals, and then report your progress to your group. Even if no other students are preparing to take comps, spend time with other students. Reading and studying in isolation can lead to loneliness, which certainly isnt good for your morale and motivation.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Proper Parallel Construction of Sentences with Not, Neither, and No Longer
Proper Parallel Construction of Sentences with Not, Neither, and No Longer Proper Parallel Construction of Sentences with Not, Neither, and No Longer Proper Parallel Construction of Sentences with Not, Neither, and No Longer By Mark Nichol When writing sentences in which a comparison is made with not, neither, or â€Å"no longer†as the focus of the contrast, be vigilant about achieving logical parallel structure, as discussed and demonstrated in the explanations about and revisions to the following examples. 1. Becoming a better parent is not about becoming a different person, but doing what it takes to do less of the behavior that is not true to who you are. When the contrasting word or phrase (in this case, not) is associated with the preposition about, which is often the case, if not precedes about at the beginning of a point, about must be repeated at the beginning of the counterpoint: â€Å"Becoming a better parent is not about becoming a different person but about doing what it takes to do less of the behavior that is not true to who you are†(a â€Å"not about [this] but about [that]†construction). Alternatively, precede not with about for a â€Å"about not (this) but (that)†construction: â€Å"Becoming a better parent is about not becoming a different person, but doing what it takes to do less of the behavior that is not true to who you are.†2. This publication is neither intended to be a legal analysis nor a detailed cookbook of steps to take in every situation. In a neither/nor construction such as this one, when the key verb (here, intended) applies to nor as well as to neither, the word must precede the first word as well as the second: â€Å"This publication is intended to be neither a legal analysis nor a detailed cookbook of steps to take in every situation.†Alternatively, revise the sentence to hinge on not and or rather than neither and nor: â€Å"This publication is not intended to be a legal analysis or a detailed cookbook of steps to take in every situation.†3. Compliance is no longer viewed primarily as a legal risk to be avoided, but rather an operational one to be monitored. Similarly, when employing â€Å"no longer†to compare a previous state with a current one, make sure that the verb or verb phrase before â€Å"no longer†is located so that the verb applies both to that phrase and to the concluding part of the sentence describing the current state: â€Å"Compliance is primarily viewed no longer as a legal risk to be avoided, but rather as an operational one to be monitored.†Alternatively, convert the second half of the sentence to an independent clause by inserting a verb: â€Å"Compliance is no longer viewed primarily as a legal risk to be avoided; rather, it is an operational one to be monitored.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should KnowSocial vs. SocietalComma After Introductory Phrases
Saturday, October 19, 2019
ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
ART - Essay Example It also resembles more of a Southwest United States portrait because of its subject – a woman who is stringing beads. The braid on the woman also resembles a woman who would be living in this area of the United States during this period of time. What is also striking about this woman is that she is sexualized. This painting was painted in 1924, and perhaps the mores during this time in Europe was looser than in other places, especially the United States, but the nipple on this woman is almost dominating in the picture. But this is the only part of the picture that shows her to be a sexualized being, so it is striking that this part of the painting was so prominent. It is almost as if one is not supposed to take their eyes off of the woman's nipple. Beyond this, the colors and the lighting are extraordinary. The shadows and the light on the face show her features, and the same kind of light and shadows are on her hair that play up the dominant part in her hair. Her braids are a lso tinged with the same sort of light and shadows, all the way down. Her skin on her arms show the same. The shadows and the light are used to great effect to delineate and highlight what the painter wants us to see. The painting also does not necessarily reflect the realist movement. It is painted in broad brushstrokes that are not visible, and the features of the woman are almost in caricature. Her nose is pointed, more pointed than probably the actual woman had. This is not a picture of a woman as she really looks, but, rather, it is a picture of the woman as the painter wanted to portray her. It is a bit cubist, as noted above, but mostly reflects the southwest art movement that was prominent during this period of time. The geometric forms of this painting are not just in the way that the woman is portrayed, although these geometric forms are subtle, more subtle than a typical cubist painter, but also in other parts of the picture. This includes the stairs, which show sharp geo metric patterns, and the wall behind her, that shows the same sorts of geometric patterns. There also is a certain sense of solidity in the form. This is not necessarily a fluid form, but one that is almost sculptural in the way that the form is portrayed. She is engaged in work, in that she is working with her beads, yet, this is not necessarily portrayed in this painting. It is as if she was captured perfectly still. This was a hallmark of this particular painter, especially during this period of time, as he was working with poses that were more stylized and solid, as opposed to fluid. Adrian Piper – Vote/Emote This next piece of art is an interesting mix between a Marcel Duchamp sort of Readymade and photography. Duchamp, with his Readymade art used everyday objects and displayed them as art. For instance, he might bring in a bicycle wheel and call it art, or a toilet. In this case, the Readymades would be the window boxes. These are everyday objects that would be found in a home, and they are presented as works of art. The light boxes are silk-screened, which gives the photographs behind them more of the feel of a painting. Yet, beyond the windows themselves, are clearly other works of art that resemble paintings and photographs. Behind one of the windows is clearly the black protest marches of the 1960s civil rights movement. It shows the African Americans marching on Washington, with a sign that says â€Å"
Data and Information System Models Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Data and Information System Models - Assignment Example Quinn draws attention to several requirements that must be put into consideration in the design phase of a healthcare system for a successful clinical transformation. Among the highlighted requirements presented by Quinn are; accessibility, reliability, security, flexibility, presentation-interface integration, portability and response time. All the presented factors are fundamental and should be looked into when designing healthcare system, however, much focus should be placed on four major factors namely security, accessibility, response to time and reliability (Quinn, 203). Healthcare system is to provide and aid in the management of information with the purpose of implementing clinical transformation. The data and information of patients as well as the doctors and the clinical employees are sensitive and therefore much focus should be place on security of the information entrusted to the system. The system should be designed in a manner that the information stored in it is easily accessible while maintaining integrity of the same information by restricting the access to only thee authorized party. Also, reliability is another factor that should not be overlooked in the design phase given that it is paramount for the success of the system. The designed system should be reliable. Speed is another key factor given that the system should be able to respond fast to the requests by various users since time is a paramount factor in a clinical setting (Quinn, 205). All these factors are critical in strong and appropriate management of information which is in turn imperative in the successful implementation of clinical transformation. At the top of this list is security. The sensitivity of information flowing through clinical and healthcare setting and the need for privacy makes security an imperative factor to consider when designing a healthcare system meant for clinical transformation. Quinn states that it is essential to balance between security and access to in formation in order to successfully secure the system as well as ensuring accessibility to information. Security is ensured within an organization by employing various mechanisms in order to maintain privacy policies. Security plan is composed of both technology components and policy. In order to ensure security and maintain privacy of the information within the system, it is imperative to adopt all-inclusive procedures, policies in addition to educational processes. The technology components of security that should be adopted include access control such as encryption, password/ username, antimalware programs, backup and recovery plans besides physical locks on doors to implement restriction. A secure system ensures that the information stored in the system is reliable, trustworthy and has integrity. Quinn highlights accessibility as another paramount factor to be considered in the successful design of healthcare system for clinical transformation. As much as security is implemented, the same information should be easily available and accessible to the right party at the required time. The users should be able to easily access applications and data within the system in a manner that it does not flout on the security policies of the system. Maintaining the balance between accessibility and security is complicated given that the two factors works against each other in a way. Accessibility works towards
Friday, October 18, 2019
Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sustainability - Essay Example The condition of the planet as well as its ecosystems is wholly depended upon the present as well as the past human activity. This is determined by the interplay of three factors namely the economic, political and social (Hak & Et.Al, â€Å"Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment†). There seems to be substantial debate over the term ‘sustainability’. Some defines it as a contested and complex concept, however for others; it can be defined as the capacity of something that can be continued for a long period of time. Issues Important for Urban Land Use Economic Sustainability The point worth noticing is that none of the economic systems can be sustainable until and unless it ‘accommodates’ the ecosystem in which it depends. The current system that is based on the notion of continuous economic expansion on planet seems to be damaged. Therefore, there is requirement of applying human creativity to the goals which is to use the natural resources in a productive and efficient manner in order to meet their needs. This goal can be considered as being completely dissimilar from ‘exploiting natures’ and the Third World people. ... The most important consideration in regards to the ecological sustainability is that it needs to be pursued for the human as well as for the species which are around 10-12 million on the planet (Sutton, â€Å"Ecological Sustainability†). To make the concept simpler, the term ecological sustainability can be interpreted as any activity that takes place on earth has to generally continue forever. Ecological sustainability can only be achieved if the activity does not destroy any resources through which the activity actually takes place. There isn’t requirement of inventing the sustainable environment from scratch since it can be modeled by the human in order to simulate natural eco-system. It can be revealed that there are key principles which need to be adhered to for achieving the ecological sustainability. The most important point to keep in mind is that there is requirement of changing the habit of using the resources as if they are infinite by the society. Moreover, greenhouse gas emission needs to be minimized to a greater extent and also there is requirement for some kind of new and improved economic ways that would be based upon the clean, glass technology (Carrie & Danielle, â€Å"General†). Social Sustainability The term social sustainability has a wider implication upon the lives and health of the people of the society. It tends to deal with the complex issues, for instance health, equity, social inclusion and livability. If the community is to be sustainable and function properly then in that case the basic needs of its resident have to be met. A good sustainable community is the one that has the ability to maintain and build on its own resources. On the other hand, it
Ethical Aspects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethical Aspects - Essay Example It is important that ethical aspects are included so that the body of evidence that is available to policy makers reflects the diversity of the population. The essay will analyse this case study with a view to determining the value of the research to the participants and investigators, as well as assessing the validity and precision of the study. For any research studies to go ahead, investigators have got to ensure that the study is valuable to the current body of knowledge and to the participants. Research has to contribute to improving the health and wellbeing, and in this case study, it sought to determine the links between suicidal tendencies and low cholesterol levels. The information derived from this research study would be valuable to participants, as they would be aware of factors that could be detrimental to their health. This information is also valuable to the patient population as it is thought to be specific to patients with Para suicidal tendencies. This research found that those patients with low cholesterol levels were more likely to develop suicidal tendencies than the control groups. To further enhance the value, the study had to be designed in such a way that would reduce bias; which could have been introduced through age-related disorders such as dementia, anorexia, etc. Bias can also be introduced if the sample group is homogeneous, which is there is a significant proportion of males to females; however, the investigators have made sure each group has an equal split. Validity and precision The research sought to determine if there was any difference in cholesterol levels between the patient groups examined, and if there was an association between cholesterol level and measures of suicidal tendencies, impulsivity and depression. The study results and analysis revealed a significant difference in mean cholesterol levels between the three groups with the parasuicide group having the lowest levels and the psychiatric controls having the highest. This clearly satisfies the first aim of this research, and cholesterol, non-planning and motor sub scale scores of self reported impulsivity were significantly inversely related, which supports the second hypotheses. The validity and precision of these results could have been influenced by bias and other conditions, however, the investigators have taken a number of steps that would have reduced the probability of this occurrence. One method of ensuring validity and precision is to select an appropriate sample size, sample method and make sure the confidence intervals are appropriate for the study. The sample method of selecting three groups provides a population spread and accounts for the various psychological conditions that exist. For example, normal controls will be different to psychiatric controls and this ensures the generalisation of the study results. Efforts have also been made to ensure the gender split is equal in all three groups, as the study found that there are some differences between the sexes. The psychiatric controls also served to remove any bias that may have been or could be attached to the participants in the parasuicidal/DSH group. The age range was a potential source of bias, however the inclusion criteria was necessary as over 65s could present with symptoms that are asymptomatic of parasuicidal/DSH as a result of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning Essay
How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning - Essay Example â€Å"If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.†Visual learners have a keen sense of knowing where to go (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Visual learning style is also known as the spatial learning style. Visual learners love to draw and doodle. They love using different types of colors in their scribbling, as well as in their sense of style and dress. Visual learners often enjoy architecture, art, design, film, navigation, photography, and planning. Visual learners learn through seeing. â€Å"These learners need to see the teachers body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. peoples heads). They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information†(LDPride, 2008, pg. 1). â€Å"If you use the aural style, you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. You notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into your head without prompting.†Music and sound are key to auditory learners (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Once again, those who are
Luciano Berio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Luciano Berio - Essay Example Together, they form the image of the young, mid-century composer, who is far cry from being introverted, "ivory-towered artist" stereotype. Berio was born in Oneglia, a small town in Northern Italy, where both his father and grandfather were church organists and composers. After preliminary study with them he entered Milan Conservatory specializing in piano, conducting and composition. In 1951scholarship took him to Berkshire Center at Tanglewood Massachusetts where he studiedwith Luigi Dallapicolla, who taught there that summer. In 1953, he attended the Darmstadt Summer School and met Stockhausen and Boulez, and learned about their musical interests. His totally-controlled Nines (1955) already described, reflects this trend. In 1960s Berio wroteseries of solopieces for flute, harp, solo voice, piano and trombone called Sequenza. In each discovers and exploits new sounds from the instruments. The Sequenza for trombone is particularly interesting in its absolutely new sounds; somecombination of the trombonist's singing or humming while he plays, as a result of blowing through the instrument without embouchure, others by tapping the side of the instrument. The Sequenza for voice also calls for sounds emanating from the throat. These pieces show Berio's interest in enriching timbral resources. They call for a new kind of virtuosity that goes far beyond conventional standards. The most ambiti The most ambitious and successful of Berio's works to date is Sinfonia (1968), written for eight voices (The Single Sisters) and orchestra, combined in that close connection -voices sounding like instruments and instruments sounding like voices- already found in Circles. In no sense a conventional symphony, the word Sinfonia is used in its original; meaning of "sounding together". Sinfonia is in four movements. The first is dominated by voices, speaking and humming, occasionally punctuated by crashing orchestral sonorities. The texts, spoken in stuttering manner, are from Le Cru et le Cuit, a study of Brazilian folklore by Claude Levi-Strauss, the French anthropologist. It is slow moving and carefully articulated between the vocal and instrumental sections. It is obviously planned and purposeful and is therefore unlike Stockhausen's Hymnen where there is little if any causal relationship between parts. The second movement is a tribute to the memory of Martin Luther King; the vocal parts consist of nothing more than the chanting of his name. The movement is elegiac and bell-like timbre and melodic outline. Instruments and voices are so interwoven in long, sustained unisons that it is difficult to distinguish between them. The third movement is the longest and most original. It is based on the third movement of Mahler's Second Symphony which is played as a more or less constant "background" but there are also references to Bach, Schoenberg, and Debussy, Strauss, Ravel, Brahms, Boulez, Stockhausen and others. In the foreground one hears snatches of a Beckett play and student slogans from recent confrontations. It is an amazing dreamlike jumbling together of sound images from the past and the present, reminding free associations of James Joyce's Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake, where different languages and dictions are brought together in a time-destroying present. Berio speaks of the movement as a documentary of an objet trouve (the Mahler movement), recorded in the mind of the listener. As a structural point of reference, Mahler is the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning Essay
How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning - Essay Example â€Å"If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.†Visual learners have a keen sense of knowing where to go (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Visual learning style is also known as the spatial learning style. Visual learners love to draw and doodle. They love using different types of colors in their scribbling, as well as in their sense of style and dress. Visual learners often enjoy architecture, art, design, film, navigation, photography, and planning. Visual learners learn through seeing. â€Å"These learners need to see the teachers body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. peoples heads). They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information†(LDPride, 2008, pg. 1). â€Å"If you use the aural style, you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. You notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into your head without prompting.†Music and sound are key to auditory learners (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Once again, those who are
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Death Penalty (Opposing Viewpoint) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Death Penalty (Opposing Viewpoint) - Essay Example The practice of capital punishment is on the other hand supported by many who believe that some acts should carry this punishment so as to set a precedent for the coming generation. This essay would revolve around the support of capital punishment by the individuals who believe that it can be beneficial for the whole society. The Supporters of Capital Punishment hold the view that Bible is a contemporary source of cultural and religious values for most people residing in North America. The Old Testament of the Jews along with the New Testament of Christians speaks in favor of Capital Punishment. Christians who are in support of Capital Punishment give reference to the Old Testament when Noah was called by God and HE said, â€Å"Whoever sheds the blood of a human, by a human shall that person’s blood be shed.†This passage is often cited by believers of Capital Punishment. In Bible God created human in his image. Then human did sin, he was forgiven by the God; human again did sin and was pardoned by the God. The process of God’s forgiveness and reinstatement also lessens the effect of death penalty (Capital Punishment in America: A Balanced Examination 2011). Advocates of Capital Punishment view it as a revenge for awful crimes. Those who support the death sentence declare that it is a uniquely effective punishment that discourages crimes. In Saudi Arabia, for instance the death penalty rate is very high and so the crime rate is very low as compared to other countries. Promoters of Capital Punishment want Governments to execute well and they consider Capital Punishment as an issue of criminal justice policy. If we take up the case of Michael Perry, he was sentenced to death but his partner in crime, Jason Burkett was found guilty of all three murders of Sandra, her son Adam and his friend Jeremy Richardson but, was only sentenced to a life time prison by a narrow jury vote and will come out in 2041 (The Guardian, 2011). Will he be redeemed when he comes out of prison? Probably not; if advocates in opposition of Capital Punishment believe that he can be reformed and brought back to life. It is not possible because a life in prison makes a person suffocated and frustrated. Again, we can blame our Government and law agencies rather than debate over Capital Punishment. Jails are crowded and prisoners are treated so badly that mostly they either commit suicide or kill other prisoners. According to, Paul Blomberg’s daughter was kidnapped, raped and then murdered in 2000. Her name was Samantha Maher and she was only 22 by then. Her father gave testimonies in front of the jury trails and even though there were two sentenced hearings for Darrell Payne, seven years from now; nothing has happened to this man up till now. He was given death penalty twice but due to incompetent law enforcement agencies, nothing has been done to him until today. Being a logical person, can one think he can be redeemed and reformed? Not necessarily. Blomberg now beliefs that Idaho system does not really execute criminals which are on the death row. In 1979, the Idaho death penalty was reinstated but even after that thre e Death Row convicts have been freed and only can have been executed. Out of the 40 people who were sentenced to death have their sentences changed now and are no longer obliged for execution. (Orr 2011) Many supporters of the capital punishment believe that for every person that is sentenced to deat
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reduce,Reuse and Reclycle Essay Example for Free
Reduce,Reuse and Reclycle Essay Practicing these three steps (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) helps us lessen the environmental impact that manufacturing and distributing products have on our environment. Reducing waste is the most effective 3 R practice, because it means not producing unnecessary waste in the first place – So there is zero impact on the environment. If we reduce what we buy and use in the first place and reuse wherever possible, fewer things need to be recycled and the amount of waste we produce will fall. The next best is Reuse, because it extends the life of a product. That item still had to be made but it is used over and over, reducing the need to make new stuff. Recycling in the end is the reprocessing of materials. It helps reduce pollution caused by waste and the need of raw material so that rainforests can be preserved. BENEFITS: We are going to give you some tips and practical examples how to save money, energy and the environment. 1. Do not waste food, make sure that you buy what you are going to consume, give leftovers to your pets or discard them in a responsible way. (Environmental friendly). 2. Grow your own vegetable, fruits, and flowers. 3. When you leave a room always turn the lights off – Do not forget to switch off all the electrical equipment’s, turn down your emersion heater. 4. Instead of using dishwasher, wash dishes by hands from the sink 5. Always turn the tap off when you wash your teeth. You do not need the tap running when you are brushing your teeth. 6. Instead of buying a lot of books, you can borrow from the library or charity shops. 7. Do not automatically get rid of your old newspaper; use it in place of paper towels to clean glasses and mirrors. Shred it to make packaging materials, use it as a fire starter. 8. Reuse junk mail envelops for your own mail. Just put a label over the see through window or if the envelop has a bar code at the bottom, run a black marker through it. 9. Do not dump water you use to cook vegetable; water your plants with it. 10. Use the public transport (trains, undergrounds) rather than cars to reduce pollution. ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLING: Recycling uses much less energy than producing new materials from scratch. This means less fossil fuel is burnt and less greenhouse gas is emitted. The vast majority of materials collected from your doorstep are recycled and used in the UK. This means less fuel is used to export waste and import new materials. Recycling helps to reduce pollution, Co2 emissions caused by waste and preserve natural resources for futures generations. Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the planet in which we live. It is so important to both, the natural environment and us (Human beings). N. B: However, recycling still creates some pollution because it is an industrial process. That’s why â€Å"Reduce and Reuse†are the most important of the 3 R practice. Did you know? Recycling Aluminium uses only five per cent of the energy and emissions needed to make it from raw materials. Each year in the UK, we go through over 1. 2 million Tonnes of electrical waste. (That’s the equivalent of 150 Thousand double decker buses). Prevention is better than cure as the doctors say. Therefore, we must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time. We are going to conclude our topic with this wise and pertinent citation of Margaret Mead: â€Å"Never doubt a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. â€
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comparing Newspaper Vs Radio Advertisements
Comparing Newspaper Vs Radio Advertisements Body shock Ltd. is a nationwide chain of fitness centers with giving many facilities for their customers in most major towns in the UK. The Company CEOs and HR management believe strongly in the role of local advertising to stimulate their services and thus spend money with local radio stations and papers. The Company employs both radio and newspaper services for advancing their work and experience. In my peak of view newspapers advertisement is much more effective and considering for enhancing their line of work. As newspaper reading habit in the UK is much more than people like to listen radio. In UK reading habit is addicted by the great unwashed. If Company advertise their services in the newspapers there can be two benefits first people read more newspaper as compare to listen radio and secondly, if they require to revise or giving consultation for that advertisement can access that easily. Here are some work sample with graphs and histograms to show that Yes! My point of view for advertising in newspapers are more effective than that to listen radio. At first we will show the descriptive statistics which means â€Å"are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data.†(William M.K. Trochim 2006). In the descriptive statistics the news has a maximum number up to 12 thousand whereas the radio maximum value is up to 11 thousand. The result again emphasis my analysis that advertisement in newspapers is much more effective than to radio. The data taken is about 45 values whose mean value again emphasizes on newspapers. Today the second evidence will be accepted from the boxplot values as we have withdrawn from these above taken values and will demonstrate how the newspaper advertisement is much safer and effective than listen to the wireless. â€Å"A boxplot is a way of summarizing a set of data measured on an interval scale. It is often used in exploratory data analysis. It is a type of graph which is used to show the shape of the distribution, its central value, and variability. The picture produced consists of the most extreme values in the data set (maximum and minimum values), the lower and upper quartiles, and the median.†(Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColls 1998). If we examine the boxplot graph closely, we can catch the radio box and its upper limit is less than 9000 value, whereas the news box and its upper value is above 9000. Which clearly implies that newspapers upper limit is high that to radio. This again justifies my point and analysis techniques as well. The boxplot and the Histogram in both statistical analyses, we clearly examine and can suggest to the troupe that they should be made to the company expenditure on news greater than the quantity of money spent on radio. The data on news skews more to the right, due to the fact that the mean and median for news are higher than for the tuner radio. People or can say audience for the advertisement is more emphasis on intelligence (reading material) rather than wireless (radio). 2 Sample T-test The 2 sample t-test shows that the estimated difference between means is -794.9. The P value is 0.0457 which is lower than 0.05 that is why we reject the Null hypothesis and follow the Alternative one. There is not enough evidence to conclude that the difference between the population means is statistically significant. So with a 95 percent confidence interval we can assume that mean is between -1574.3 and -15.5 If we analysis all the above given facts and figures we should be very clear in our minds that yes the advertisement source can be of many types but as we compare here two radio and newspapers in that case newspapers get best in this case and suggested to the body shock company to expend its expenditures on newspapers for the advertisement. In which they can focus on different scenarios like prices and giving facilities etc. The values given by the statistics analysis by taking 45 samples, maximum value for the radio is about 11 thousand whereas the maximum value for the news is about 12 thousand which is higher value than that. Means the newspaper is best for advertisement for the company rather than radio for this purpose. PART2: According to data given, rise and fall on histogram statistcis is proceeding in same manner for both advertising medium.however this rise rise in magnitude is more for news in comparison with radio as shown in statistical figure below. To esmitae the future cost and current expenditure of company on these two medium the correlation among data is analyzed whose result is mentioned below. Since the results shows that correlation coefficients are all equal to 1 means that there is a strong corelation among the two variable. Increase and decrease in both medium expenditure is similar so in order to further increase the impact of advertisement, company may cut down some of its expediture from radio and expend more on news because news is giving better opportunity to enhance its awareness. Moreover best line fit model is used to analyse the way of effective advertisement based of expense company is making on these two. Result of line fitting model also shows that news are the best option for reducing company expense on marketing. As the cost on each advertisement are almost similar but the affect are much visible for news. Line model is nearer to many point of news (red circles in line model figure) hence it is suggested to cut down some the expense from radio communication. This will be beneficial for company’s economic as well as for people getting information from paper and news resources. Another statistic using regression model is carried out for both news and radio advertisement. Results shows that their upper and lower bounder for both are near around each other since they have similar trend of cost. Also the values in stats result of regression shows that estimated error is small when news are considered as predictor in regression. Also as stated in part above the P value is 0.0457 for advert which is lower than 0.05. And the values of p which is less than 0.05 are suggested to use alternative value instead of null hypothesis therefore here the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis will be preferred. Considering all figures and results it is suggested to use news as a much appropriate medium of advertisement. The reduction in cost of radio will give economic strength to the company and also the enhanced way of advertising on news will give smooth communication and awareness among people. Future spending of company must rely mostly on news and thereby currents expense stats must be changed. References: 1: William M.K. Trochim 2006, Research Methods: Knowledge base, Web center for social research methods,††, last Revised: 10/20/2006 2: Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColls 1998, Statistics Glossary, v1.1,
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Hitler Youth Essay -- World War II WWII WW2 Nazi Germany
â€Å"The future of the German nation depends on its youth and the German youth shall have to be prepared for its future duties†The youth of Germany were an important target for Hitler. He knew that if his dream for the thousand year Reich were to be fulfilled he needed the loyalty of the young German people. But how did he obtain that loyalty? How did he set about bending the German children’s hearts and minds to his will? The answer is simple-the Hitler Youth. In the years from 1929 to 1933 economic hardship, a faltering political regime and generational tensions left many young people with no place to turn. The Nazis used this situation to their advantage, pointing out to the youths the way the Weimar republic government were failing to care for them. It appeared to young people that the Nazis were a party tailor made for the youth. Indeed, the Nazis realised the importance of youth, whom they considered indispensable in their quest for power. This is why many young, disenchanted, lower class youths put their stocks in the Nazi party and in particular, the Hitler youth. Ho...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Succubus Heat CHAPTER 21
There was really only one thing I could say. â€Å"You're here to kill me.†That would have been a great cue for him to say something like, â€Å"No, of course not†or â€Å"Why would you think that?†Any of those responses, or a variation, would have been immensely reassuring. Instead he said: â€Å"Not yet.†â€Å"Shit.†I took a couple steps back, knowing it wouldn't do any good. Even if I'd been in full succubus mode, there was no way I could fight against him. Roman was a nephilim, Jerome's half-human bastard son. Nephilim were a kind of odd mix between lesser and greater immortals. Nephilim hadn't been around since the universe's creation, but they had been born immortal and could potentially possess the same range of powers as a greater immortal. Roman was every bit as strong as Jerome, but unlike my boss or his equals, Roman didn't answer to any higher power. He was rogue, which made him dangerous when he was pissed off. And he had every right to be pissed off at me. Angry at the way Heaven and Hell hunted their kind down, Roman and his twin sister Helena had gone on a vigilante hunting spree to get back at other immortals. I hadn't known that when he and I were dating, and eventually, I'd been instrumental in stopping them-and getting his sister killed. â€Å"What are you doing here then?†I asked at last. Roman's posture was casual as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. He looked exactly as I remembered, enormously tall compared to me, with soft black hair and those gorgeous eyes. â€Å"You sound disappointed,†he said. â€Å"Do you want me to kill you?†â€Å"No! Of course not. But I can't really think of any other reason you'd be here. Somehow I doubt you're here for a social call.†Despite my fear, my sarcasm still managed to function. Carter had told me it was unlikely Roman would ever return to Seattle, knowing that he and Jerome would be on the lookout. Except, I realized uneasily, Jerome was no longer here to keep watch. â€Å"I'm here to help find my illustrious sire.†Roman's voice was smug as he spoke, and I was sure he was taking a great amount of pleasure in watching my reaction. I hoped he was satisfied because while my jaw didn't exactly hit the floor, it came pretty close. â€Å"Bullshit.†â€Å"Why don't you believe me?†â€Å"Because you have no reason to!†My fear was being overridden again, this time by incredulity. â€Å"You hate Jerome.†â€Å"Yeah, that's true.†â€Å"Stop playing with me then. You're not here to help.†â€Å"No? Then how come I helped you with the seal's notes?†â€Å"You didn't-†I froze for a moment. â€Å"Oh lord. That was you.†â€Å"Really,†said Roman amiably. â€Å"You should be a lot nicer, considering all the things I've done for you.†â€Å"Yeah? I don't recall you wasting your time wandering aimlessly along beaches.†â€Å"Nah. I've been too busy blowing up stoves and carrying injured damsels to bed.†I sank into a chair and closed my eyes. â€Å"It really wasn't Carter.†The angel had been telling the truth about noninterference. I opened my eyes again. â€Å"And you gave me the matches, didn't you? That's exactly the kind of fucked-up thing you'd do.†He put on an offended air. â€Å"That was pretty nice of me, considering how you looked like you were ready to have a withdrawal seizure then and there.†â€Å"This doesn't make sense. You can't be here to help find Jerome. What's really going on?†â€Å"Does the reason matter if I help find him?†â€Å"Yes! It matters if you want to find him, only so you can promptly destroy him.†â€Å"I don't want to destroy him.†â€Å"I have no reason to trust you.†His eyes narrowed a bit. â€Å"And I have no reason to trust you, if memory serves.†I shrugged, almost too weary to be afraid anymore. â€Å"Well, then, we're even, huh? Except, of course, that you can channel your mistrust into blowing me off the face of the earth.†â€Å"And you could tell the demon horde out there that there's a nephilim in the city.†Roman laughed. â€Å"Oh, they'd love that, wouldn't they? If one of them could hunt down and kill a nephilim, that'd pretty much cinch their position here.†â€Å"Yeah, like I'd get a chance to tell anyone.†I sighed. â€Å"Roman, if you're not going to destroy me, then what exactly do you want with me? Why did you save me all those times?†â€Å"Because you're the only one in this fucking town with any chance of finding Jerome. And you can move around a lot more freely than I can.†â€Å"Um, last time I checked, you're the one in the Junior Smiting League, not me. I don't have any pow-abilities right now to defend myself.†â€Å"Yeah, but if you're caught poking around, people aren't going to declare open season on you†¦I mean, aside from that bitch demoness.†I grimaced at the memory, and Roman pushed forward. â€Å"Look, Georgina, we can sit and argue whether I'm going to kill you or not, or we can try to figure this out and get your boss back. Then we can explore me killing you in more depth.†â€Å"God,†I groaned, standing up. I needed my cigarettes. Roman watched me light up. â€Å"New habit since I was last around.†â€Å"Old one, actually. And I'm not in the mood for lecturing.†I sat back down, feeling much more settled with my nicotine. Aubrey wandered out shortly thereafter, apparently not afraid of a sociopathic-yet still eerily sexy-immortal hanging out with us. â€Å"So, what's there to figure out? It was Grace. You said you saw the seal around her neck.†Roman eased himself into a chair from my kitchen table and scooted up. â€Å"I did. Makes sense that she'd keep it as close to her as possible, though that takes some balls to have it out in the open that much.†â€Å"So why won't you let me tell anyone, then?†He tsked. â€Å"Think, Georgina. Who are you going to tell? Which demon in this whole mess do you think you can trust? None of them like Jerome. None of them want him back.†â€Å"I was going to tell Hugh.†â€Å"You can't tell anybody . I was walking along with you today when Cedric popped in.†It figured. There was no telling how long Roman had been following me invisibly. â€Å"If he was telling the truth about not telling Nanette about your theories, then that means one of your friends tipped her off.†â€Å"No,†I said stubbornly. â€Å"It's more likely that Cedric was lying. None of them would have betrayed me.†To my complete and utter astonishment, Aubrey jumped on Roman's lap. He scratched her head absentmindedly. â€Å"Well, believe what you want, but I don't think it's safe to tell anyone yet. Except me, of course.†â€Å"Right. The guy who wants me dead.†â€Å"Eh, we can talk about that later. For now, let's go over what we know.†I wasn't really keen on the casual way we were tossing around my impending doom, nor did I like that I still didn't know why he was here. Keeping my mind on Jerome did help, though, and it was nice to finally have someone to truly brainstorm this stuff with. â€Å"We know Grace was the demon who helped with the summoning,†I said. â€Å"There could be more, you know.†â€Å"Yeah, but there's only one archdemon position.†â€Å"True. Just don't rule other possibilities out. She and that other demoness here are pretty tight.†I thought about Mei, whose poker face was as good as Grace's. â€Å"Yeah†¦although, they seem to be operating pretty independently now. But, for the sake of argument, we'll stick with Grace. So, we know she was part of the summoning and has half of the seal. What we don't know: where the other half of the seal is, who helped her, and where Jerome actually is.†â€Å"Kind of daunting,†he mused. A thought suddenly came to me. â€Å"Wait a minute†¦you might make this simpler. A greater immortal can break up Jerome's prison. With you, we don't need to actually find the whole seal to free him-or get the half we know about from Grace.†Roman turned sheepish. â€Å"Well†¦I don't know for sure that I can do that.†â€Å"Why not? You've got the same powers as Jerome.†â€Å"My strength is the same as his when it comes to fighting and whatnot, but I don't have exactly the same powers. I'm not truly a greater immortal. I don't know if I could break him out without the seal.†â€Å"Lovely. We're back to where we started.†â€Å"I don't know. We should just take this one step at a time. Let's keep trying to find him and figure out where the other half of the seal is.†â€Å"We're running out of time,†I murmured, stubbing out the cigarette. â€Å"So, why are you smoking again?†â€Å"That's not really important right now,†I snapped. â€Å"I don't know. If I had a mortal body, I'd be kind of worried about that.†â€Å"I'm not mortal. And I'll be back to my normal self in a few days at most. Probably much sooner.†â€Å"Is it because of Mortensen?†â€Å"We are not talking about that right now.†â€Å"Never thought you'd be one to take a break-up so hard, seeing how easily you deal them out. In fact†¦has anyone ever even broken up with you before?†I fixed him with a glare, so annoyed that I didn't care if he wanted to try to kill me. â€Å"We are not talking about that right now.†â€Å"Fine, fine. What other info do we have, then?†I racked my brain. â€Å"The cult†¦the Army of Darkness. I think there's a connection with Jerome's summoning and their activities. Whoever's controlling them-well, Grace, I guess-times their stunts to take attention away from other things.†I recapped what I knew of their stunts and what they lined up with. â€Å"Not all of their activities correspond exactly to some part of the summoning, though. At least not that I know about.†Roman was thoughtful. â€Å"Hmm†¦well, it's possible some may not line up with anything. A few may be red herrings, sort of to establish their presence. I didn't always follow you to Canada, so I don't know exactly what they're like.†â€Å"Wow. Your stalkerdom has limitations.†â€Å"Seemed like a big pain,†he said. â€Å"Aside from maybe going to Tim Hortons.†Nephilim couldn't teleport like greater immortals, so he was limited with normal transportation when following me around. Uneasily, thinking of my activities with Seth, I wondered just how much Roman had spied on me. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd taken a front-row seat to my intimate activities. If he wasn't going to mention it, I wasn't going to. â€Å"They've been quiet ever since the day of the summoning, when they were down here. I guess Grace has nothing left for them to do,†I said. â€Å"Likely†¦Ã¢â‚¬ His mind was still apparently spinning with suspicion. â€Å"But if I were you, I'd talk to them again.†I cringed. â€Å"No†¦I want to be done with them. You don't know these guys like I do. It's ridiculous.†â€Å"All I know is that you've got to turn over every rock you can find-no pun intended-if you're going to rescue Jerome.†â€Å"Oh, I've got to, huh?†I asked. I didn't really like the presumption in his voice. â€Å"I thought you were going to help find him too?†â€Å"I will. Tomorrow. When are you going to search again?†I thought about it. â€Å"Noon. After work.†There was a knock at the door, and I moved over to the eye hole. â€Å"It's Dante,†I murmured. To his credit, he usually knocked first before using his key. I rested my hand on the knob and gave Roman a questioning look. â€Å"I'll find you at noon,†he said. â€Å"Hold the door open a sec after you let him in.†Roman turned invisible, and I pulled the door open. Dante came in, and I stood there a few more moments until I felt the sweep of someone moving past me. Everything had happened so quickly today that I barely had time to realize that not only I had just made contact with the guy who wanted to kill me, but I'd also just made arrangements to spend time with him. Man. This was going to keep me up when I tried to sleep later. I shut the door and gave Dante a quick kiss on the cheek. He was carrying a bag, and I had to do a double-take. â€Å"Did you buy something from Macy's?†I exclaimed. â€Å"I somehow imagined you stepping into a department store would be like a vampire stepping into the sunlight-I mean, current situation aside.†Dante rolled his eyes and set the bag down. Crossings his arms, he leaned against the wall. â€Å"Well, maybe I'm in stasis too. Forget about this for a sec and tell me if you've gotten yourself on any demon's shit list today.†There it was again, the sweet concern in spite of his best efforts. â€Å"Not that I know of, but hey, the day's not over yet.†I glossed over the specifics of who I'd gone searching with, mainly emphasizing that my time at the beach hadn't turned up anything. I also mentioned Cedric's visit and his claims that he hadn't told Nanette about my suspicions. Dante seemed skeptical of that. Finally, I wrapped up with Grace's appearance, and at that point I faltered. I wanted to tell Dante about my amazing discovery, about how Grace had the seal. Yet Roman had urged me to keep it all to myself. Why? Was he really that mistrustful of everyone? Did he have his own ulterior motives? Against my better judgment, I bit my lip on telling Dante about my discovery. It killed me to do it, particularly since I had a feeling Dante could have some insight. Roman's warning was too strong, however, as was my fear that he might actually still be around invisibly. And of course, I could hardly tell Dante about Roman. Fortunately, Dante didn't pick up on any omission of information. â€Å"You had kind of a full day, succubus. Did the corporate demon ever come talk to you?†â€Å"Not yet. I haven't had a chance to talk with the gang to see if he's been making the rounds.†I eyed the Macy's bag, dying to know what was in it. Dante kicked it behind him. â€Å"What are you going to tell him?†I shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. I'll tell him what I know about Seattle, and as far as recommendations†¦well, I don't know.†I could no longer trust Grace, and Mei's role was still a mystery. Dante noted my change of feelings but not the reasons. â€Å"From what you'd said before, I thought you were a fan of Grace and that other demoness.†â€Å"Mei,†I supplied. â€Å"I don't know. It's all just wearying.†Eager to shift away from the subject, I pointed at the bag. â€Å"Are you going to tell me what's in that?†He gave me one of his mocking grins. â€Å"Why do you think it has anything to do with you?†â€Å"Because there's no way you'd shop at Macy's for yourself. You dress only marginally better than Carter.†Dante shook his head, wearing a long-suffering look. â€Å"Fine, fine. I'll keep it for myself.†He picked up the bag and headed off down the hall. After a few moments, I followed and tackled him in the doorway to my bedroom. â€Å"Come on! Give it up.†I snatched the bag away, but my victory was small since he didn't put up a fight. I opened it up and gasped at what I found. Folds and folds of shimmering purple fabric, silk the color of new spring crocuses. Hesitantly, I lifted it out of the bag, revealing a long, ankle-length robe. I looked up at him in astonishment. â€Å"What's this?†â€Å"You're the one with years and years of higher learning,†he pointed out, looking extremely pleased with himself. â€Å"You tell me.†I held it up, gauging its height. It looked just about perfect. â€Å"It's gorgeous. What's the occasion?†â€Å"I was tired of hearing you bitch about that ratty one you've got. And tired of seeing it, to be honest.†He ignored my glare. â€Å"Besides, you've had a, uh, difficult time lately. Even for you.†I thought back to other things, like the flowers and breakfast. All the attempts at dinners. â€Å"Dante-â€Å" He pressed a finger to my lips. â€Å"Look, be quiet a second. I'm not blind. I can tell how much all of this is stressing you out. And fuck, if I could get my hands on that bitch demon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Anger glinted in his eyes, and he took a moment to shake it off. â€Å"Anyway, you can keep making your jokes or whatever and keep doggedly doing your best to sleuth away and find Jerome, but you're running yourself into the ground. You're depressed. You're distracted. When we talk, it's like your mind's somewhere else. Same with our sex life.†I opened my mouth to argue, but I wasn't sure what to say. He was right. I had been distracted, but a good part of that-particularly during intimate activities-hadn't had anything to do with Jerome. It had been Seth on my mind. Dante kept speaking before I could get a word out. â€Å"See, now, you're going to apologize. Because that's what you do-but there's no need, succubus. If anyone gets some selfish time right now, it's you. In another week or so, things'll be back to normal, and I'll be the selfish one.†Something in my heart twisted. Everyone said he was scum, but in the end, it turned out I was the untrustworthy one. I averted my eyes. â€Å"So where's the robe fit in?†â€Å"Something to cheer you up. Since your wardrobe's been trimmed.†â€Å"Dante, you've been getting me a lot of stuff lately. You don't have to throw money at me-money you don't have-to make me feel better.†â€Å"If I didn't have it, I wouldn't ‘throw' it,†he remarked dryly. â€Å"And anyway†¦I'm not really the kind of guy who does, like†¦the candles or the moonlit beaches or recites poetry.†I grimaced. â€Å"I don't mind staying away from beaches for a while.†â€Å"But,†he continued, â€Å"I know you well enough to know that mochas and silk make you smile, and that, at least, is something I can do.†My heart twisted further, and I reached out to catch hold of his hand. I understood what he was saying. It wasn't in his nature to do over-the-top romantic gestures, but material purchases were something he could handle, and it was the only way to show me he cared. My guilt redoubled because no matter what he said, I knew he was tight on cash. Yet, my actions and fixation with Seth were worrying Dante enough that he felt he had to do something. I was driving him to it. â€Å"You're sweet,†I said. â€Å"But don't worry. It'll be our secret.†He brushed his fingers through my hair. â€Å"Not that sweet. Look in the bag.†I did. Underneath the robe, unnoticed by me, was a bottle of bubble bath. I held it up questioningly. â€Å"I thought we could take a bath together.†I laughed. â€Å"That's almost romantic. You might be closer to moonlit beaches than you think. Although, my bathtub's kind of small.†â€Å"I know,†he said. â€Å"That's what I meant about it not being very sweet. Mostly I want to see what kind of interesting positions we can cram ourselves into while naked and in a small space.†â€Å"Well, thank God that in a world gone mad, some people never change.†It turned into a wet, soapy mess, but it was more fun than I expected. No matter what he claimed, the whole feat was semi-romantic. Conversation was easy and light, and we laughed and joked a lot. I almost forgot about Seth-almost. But when things started to get a little hot and heavy, I pulled back. No matter how sexy it was to be wet and naked with someone, it just didn't feel right if that person wasn't Seth. What made me feel worse was that Dante was accommodating about my mood. He figured my lack of desire was part of my stress, and so we eventually left the tub as chastely as we'd entered. We toweled each other off and then curled up on the couch and watched TV together while I tried not to feel too guilty about the purple robe wrapped around me. I decided the next day to finally add myself back to the bookstore's work schedule. I only put me down for part-time shifts until the demon business was settled, but at this point, it seemed unlikely I'd be recalled to Canada again. My limbo status couldn't last forever if I wanted to keep my job; Warren's leniency would only last so long. Roman and I had our plans to go to Edmonds at noon, so for my first official day back, I only worked a morning shift. Part of that shift involved coming in before the store was even open, and I welcomed the solitude. The store always soothed me, and if ever there was a time I needed soothing, it was right now. It was short-lived, however, since my other coworkers began trickling in not long after my arrival. Maddie was among them. â€Å"Hey,†she said brightly, popping into my office. â€Å"Is this another check-in or are you back for good?†â€Å"For good, I think. Not that it matters. It looks like everything's been fine without me.†She grinned and shut the door behind her. â€Å"Oh, we've missed you, believe me. No one's been here to referee my fights with Doug.†I laughed and watched her sit down. â€Å"Well then, I guess I got back just in time. Nice shoes.†Maddie extended her legs and admired her candy apple red pumps. â€Å"Thanks. Nordstrom's having a sale.†The brown leather Mia heels I currently wore were among my favorites, but after a week now with no shape-shifting, my wardrobe was starting to make me stir-crazy. It was kind of like my hair, I realized. I hadn't realized how dependent I was on shape-shifting to enhance my appearance. I'd lauded myself for living like a human when in truth, I'd been cheating the whole time. Seeing my wistful look, Maddie asked, â€Å"You want to go downtown for lunch and check it out?†I shook my head with regret. Looking at shoes sounded a lot better than looking at rocks. â€Å"Can't. I've got to meet someone.†â€Å"Ah, well, let me know when you get some time. You know I'm game.†Silence fell, and Maddie shifted uncomfortably. She bit her lip, like she wanted to say something. I started to prompt her, but she spoke first. â€Å"So, what did you think of the condo listings?†â€Å"Oh, they were†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Fuck. I'd never even read through them. Roman and Dante had spent more time looking at them than I had. Which one had Dante mentioned? â€Å"They were great. I really liked that new one-the one where you can still get in on the choices and stuff.†Her eyes lit up. â€Å"Ooh, yeah. I loved that one too. I actually looked them up on the builder's website. It doesn't look like there are many left, but there has to be at least one, or they wouldn't be listed. We should go down there and talk to them in person.†I smiled, feeling horrible about the lie. â€Å"Sure†¦but it may be awhile before I can get a break. We'll have to do it and the shoe trip at the same time.†Maddie nodded, face kind and sympathetic. â€Å"No problem. I understand.†More silence fell, and I realized it wasn't the condos that she wanted to talk to me about. That had been a distraction to build up her own courage. â€Å"Maddie, what's going on?†Her cheery look disintegrated into something much more glum. It was startling. I was so used to her always being in a good mood that the thought of something upsetting her was on par with the laws of physics breaking down. She met my eyes and immediately looked away. â€Å"Oh God. I can't believe I'm about to bring this up.†I was seriously worried now. â€Å"You can tell me. It's okay. What's up?†She sighed. â€Å"It's Seth.†Oh, fuck.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Eco/561pr †Economics Essay
In modern society people desire goods and services that provide a more comfortable or affluent standard of living. We want bottled water, soft drinks, and fruit juices, not just water from the creek. We want salads, burgers, and pizzas, not just berries and nuts. According to MC-Connell (2008) â€Å"Economics, which is the social science concerned with how individuals, institutions, and society make optimal choices under conditions of scarcity.†Scarce economic resources mean limited goods and services. Scarcity restricts options and demands choices. Because we â€Å"can’t have it all,†we must decide what we will have and what we must forgo. Consumers are purposeful in deciding what goods and services to buy. Business firms are purposeful in deciding what products to produce and how to produce them. Government entities are purposeful in deciding what public services to provide and how to finance them. Economist develops economic principles and models at two levels macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics examines either the economy as a whole or its basic subdivisions, such as the government, household, and business sectors. Macroeconomics seek to obtain an overview or general outline of the structure of the economy relationship of its major aggregates. We can see it as an economic measure of total output, total employment, total income, aggregate expenditure, and the general level of prices in analyzing various economic problems. On the other hand microeconomics is the part of economics concerned with individual units such as a person, a firm, or industry. At this level economist observe the detail of an economic unit, or very small segment of the economy. Micro measures the price of a specific product, the number of employees in a small business, the revenue of a particular individual. These means individuals and society face economizing problem because their wants exceed their income and they must decide what to purchase and what to for go. Some of the tools we can use to measure this process is a graphically, budget line which is a line in a graph with the various combinations of two products that a consumer can purchase with the specific income, giving the prices of the two products. Other tools for economist to measure and illustrate society’s economizing problem through production possibilities analysis. This use tables and curves that show the different combinations of good and services that can be produced in a fully-grown economy. Economists most often use graphs to illustrate their models. By understanding these â€Å"graphs†you can more readily comprehend economic relationships. Most of economic principles or models explain relationships between just two sets of economic facts, which can be conveniently represented with two-dimensional graphs. Since income is the determining factor, we represent it on the horizontal axis of the graph, as is customary. And because consumption depends on income, we represent it on the vertical axis of the graph, as is also customary. Actually, what we are doing is representing the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. Also it’s very important to understand lines which can be described in terms of their slopes. The slope of a straight line is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between any two points of the line. We can concluded that Graphs and lines are a convenient and revealing way to represent economic relationships. Over time, technological advances and increases in the quantity and quality of resources enable the economy to produce more of all goods and services, that is, to experience economic growth. Society’s choice as to the mix of consumer goods and capital goods in current output is a major determinant of the future location of the production possibilities curve and thus of the extent of economic growth. References: Mc-Connell, B. (2008). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, (16th ed.). : .
Have We Become too Dependent? Essay
â€Å"As cities grow and technology takes over the world belief and imagination fade away and so do we.†This is a quote I found written by Julia Kagawa the author of the book, The Iron King. What does this quote say about society? The advancement of technology has helped us progress technologically, but has forced us to regress socially. Before we had the use of advanced technology tools, I remember t the only way of communicating with your friends and family members was to be visiting with them in person or hand writing letters to those distant relatives or friends. Letters and anything sent through â€Å"snail mail†would take weeks to arrive at that person’s house. Previous ways of communication have now been replaced with modern day digital technology. From computers, to Apple Products, and cell phones. Over the past decade, our ways of living have changed drastically. Computers have found their way into our everyday life activities. We trust our computers to help us with our jobs, school work and even with communication. As a society we rely on computers and other available devices to help us get through our everyday life. The question has to be asked are we becoming too dependent on computers and other technological devices? Is this beneficial could it eventually hurt us? Even though in this era advanced technology does benefit us, I think in the long run these technologies will end up inhibiting our progress as a society. Computers have made our lives much easier. They help us manage tasks with their digital calendar feature, budget our monthly spending with finance programs, and communicate with friends and family much more efficiently. Computers have made it easier for someone to communicate with just a click of a button through email. Email is the modern day version of writing a letter. Instead of writing your thoughts, you type them and it gets to its destination in minutes rather than days or weeks. Read more: Society Dependent on Technology When working in an office setting instead of getting up and talking to someone you can simply tell them through an email, and save the time walking ten feet around the corner. Not only can you send information quicker than ever but technology continues to improve; and there are ways we can communicate face to face while being thousands of miles away. The modern day web cam allows us to communicate with friends around the world; you simply hook up your web cam and download a program such as Skype to help you communicate face to face. Who would have thought that with advancements in technology you would be able to look at your computer and have a face to face conversation with someone miles away? Computers now have built in webcams, making it easy to communicate face to face for many different reasons. For example, students who are sick or are unable to attend school for a long period of time now have opportunities to sit in on instruction from home. With a built in webcam students can Skype their teachers and listen to instruction as they teach. This is extremely beneficial in the educational world. In the work world Skype has also changed many things. Since the webcam enables us to communicate face to face by simply looking at a computer screen employment opportunities have changed. For example, if an applicant lives out of state an employer can do a Skype interview, instead of them flying in and possibly not getting the job. There are also online virtual conferences you can attend via Skype. Computers have changed our ways of communication forever. Not only have computers changed our lives, but another device that we depend on is a cell phone. Cell phones now play a huge role on in our lives. We can communicate with a quick phone call or sms messaging. According to the university of Alberta students report using cell phones for different ways other than communication, like an alarm clock, games for boredom, Picture sending, address book, and mobile entertainment. [ (Nurullah, 2009) ] Sms messaging is a great way for us to communicate with the use of cell phones. We use text messaging when we are too busy to talk, with the family, in class, or even to have a difficult conversation that would be uncomfortable face to face. People use their cell phones to text anywhere anytime it is an easy way to communicate, just with the simple movements of your thumbs. â€Å" Teens from ages 13-17 average 231 phone calls and 1,742 text messages a month†[ (Anita Gurian, 2011) ] The usage of cell phones also allows us to place reminders about school assignments for students, birthdays, appointments on their calendar’s, which is a positive aspect of cell phone use and our technologies. William Ogburn had theories of social change his theories include invention, discover, and diffusion. When relating my social change topic to inventions, it relates to the invention of technology and how it affects the social life on relationships to teens. When Ogburn identified discover he said â€Å"Discover is a new way of seeing reality, as a second process of change.†(Henslin 2010) As you can see the way we communicate today has been a huge social movement. It really makes you realize how our means of communication have drastically changed, due to developments in new technology. In diffusion the invention of technology has spread all over the world. The technologies that we have today do benefit us in this era, but there are also a number of arguments agains t them. For example, â€Å"An effect on Children’s Education†an article I read, states that â€Å"Computer use will replace the time that children and students should be spending doing activities for brain development†in the early years younger children learned using hands on and creative play to develop qualities. When using computers it mainly shows symbols, computers can portray the five senses however children need interactions to actually feel and experience the senses hands on. Another way that technologies are disrupting learning environment is that a lot of school work is done with the use of computers for example quick short assignments are being typed out when they could easily be hand written, this is an issue for kids that are in elementary school learning how to read properly and write. Handwriting is a skill that is absolutely nesecessary for us to have. When a child has to spend a little more time writing information is more easily retained. Computers in the school should only be suitable for long assignments, older adults, or an actual computer learning classes. Furthermore the use of cell phones is having a slight impact on teen education, instead of participating in class you see a lot of students text messaging, listening to music, searching the web ect. With the use of phones in class rooms students can now send pictures of a quiz for example to another student, or instead of passing notes they can message each other answers. Not only have cell phones become a distraction for student during school but they are drastically limiting their social skills. Teenagers prefer to tell their friends something via text rather than in person. It makes it easier to tell someone something difficult through a text because you never have to see them face to face. This is a dilemma in our world because when the younger generations are adults, how are they going to be able to handle face to face communication? This is where the use of cell phones is majorly inhibiting the human race socially. When technologies become the main attraction in a person’s life they have a recognizable change in behavior. Some become lazy and may become antisocial and sometimes one can feel lost without their devices at hand. I have seen this first hand when working as a child care provider with children being able to watch television, play video games, using their phones, or on the computer too long, when it came to that time that they need to stop they throw temper tantrums. With relying on our technology devices too much it is not only a change in behavior but it can also take a toll on their health as well. The human eye is not designed to look at one particular object for hours. When a person is stuck watching there tv, video game, computer, or phone your eyes can become an infected with blurred vision, irritation, eye strain which can lead to an infection. Other effects that can affect your health when using these technologies is weight gain, back problems and also headaches, However it can be argued that these health problems is the fault of the person rather than the technologies. One of the most persuasive argument, nonetheless, is the issue of safety. Stolen information is tremendous issue when using computer devices; apart from sharring personal information such as full names address ect. In society, today people save personal information on their computers and even their phones. There are people who can gain access to your personal files by hacking it in numerous ways. You might be thinking to yourself that I do not save any personal information on my devices, however unknowingly if you ever shop online or loose your phone it is possible for a hacker or someone to gain access to your financial information. Why do we depend on these technologies so much? Not only are there computers or our cell phones, but we use them in the checkout stand at the grocery store, we pay with our credit cards, we use atms to pull money out, even some of our cars use computer chips to run. What is the world going to do if one day something goes wrong and we are then again without technology? Is the world going to know how to function? It is obvious that computers make our everyday life easier, but as we get more remarkably transformed to rely on them we are putting ourselves at risk for the future. In this era we do need the use of computers, but we should learn to not be so much dependent on them as it causes threats for human kind. Works Cited Anita Gurian, P. (2011). Texting and talking: Kids and Cell Phones. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Henslin, J. M. (2010). Sociology A down-to-earth-approach. Allyn and bacon. Nurullah, A. S. (2009). The cell phone as an agent of social change . Alberta : David pierce .
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