Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reflection on Refusal of Treatment

The purpose of this essay is to select an incident which occurred during clinical placement and to discuss and reflect on it in order to improve future practice. To do this, the framework of the Marks-Moran and Rose Model of Reflection (1997) will be used. Utilizing the four stages of this model, I will describe the incident, give a reflective observation, discuss related theory and conclude with thoughts for any future actions. Any patient discussed will be given a pseudonym to ensure patient confidentiality as described by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NC) (2010).During a recent placement in an Endoscope day unit, I met Mrs. Smith who was attending to undergo a Gastropod. She had a history of acid reflux and had been referred for the procedure as an outpatient but had not attended her Pre-Admission Clinic appointment. Upon her arrival, myself and a staff nurse took baseline observations and spoke with the patient to ensure that she had fasted from midnight which was necessary for the procedure. On advising her on anesthesia, I informed her that she had two options. The first was a throat spray to numb the local area and she could leave almost immediately afterwards.The second was sedation and analgesia in the form of Fontanel and Modally which would be given through intravenous accumulation; however, she would have to remain with us for several hours post procedure. Mrs. Smith began to panic and became quite irate. She stated that she had been under the impression that she would be given a general anesthetic and would be asleep the entire time. I explained that the doctor required her to be awake for this procedure and that general anesthetic was not an option. Mrs. Smith then stated that she was withdrawing her consent and wished to leave.The staff nurse who had been observing me swiftly took over the conversation and tempted to calm down the patient. She advised me to escort Mrs. Smith to the private seating area that was reserved for consultations but not to offer her anything to drink; Just in case she changed her mind about the Gastropod going ahead. Once we were all in privacy, the nurse then sat down and asked Mrs. Smith why she was so scared. Mrs. Smith stated that she had heard of complications involved with Stereoscopes and she would rather not take the risk.The nurse explained that the risk of a serious incident was extremely rare and at worst, she may suffer from a sore throat and gastric bloating afterwards. Mrs. Smith was supplied with an information booklet and we allowed her some time to digest all of the information that she had been given and assured her that any questions she wanted to pose would be answered. Afterwards, she stated that she still did not want to undergo the procedure and that she wanted to go home. At this point, the nurse advised that she should return to her doctor and inform him that she had not undergone the test.Mrs. Smith was also advised that she could return at a later date if she so wish ed and then she left the clinic. During my explanation of the procedure, I felt capable enough to fully explain what it entailed. However, when Mrs. Smith began to panic, I lost some of my confidence as this was something that I had not faced before. Therefore, I felt unable to calm Mrs. Smith down as I was lacking experience in this scenario. I was pleased that the nurse accompanying me took over in an instant. I felt to notice this.As I listened to the nurse, I noted the optimism displayed by the nurse when she instructed me not to provide refreshments for the patient. When I later questioned her on this matter, she told me that she had been in the same position any times before. Mrs. Smith was competent enough to exercise her right to refuse treatment. This is the moral and ethical right of every patient so long as they are deemed to have the mental capacity to make such a choice (Griffith and Teenage 2012). A medical professional cannot force a patient to undergo a procedure aga inst their will.However, the practitioner must discuss all treatment options, relay the correct information and allow the patient time to come to an independent and informed decision (Ellen et al 2012). The term â€Å"Autonomy' underpins the patient's ethical and moral right to choose which path of treatment, if any, that they will follow. Glibber and Kingston (2012) state that the patients' autonomy is in the clinician's hands under duress of professionalism and nursing ethics, our advice and information is responsible for any decision reached.In this instance, Mrs. Smith was taken to a private seating area where a nurse calmly talked her through the procedure at length, answering any questions and also informed her of the statistical risks of a Gastropod which were her biggest concern. By doing this, the nurse wowed that she was empathic to the worries of the patient and also did her utmost to preserve patient confidentiality, as well as, providing a wealth of information precedi ng the refusal of treatment (Torrance et al 2012). It was obvious from the reaction of Mrs. Smith that she had anticipated treatment under a general anesthetic at her appointment.When reading through her notes previous to admission, I realized that she had not attended the pre-admission clinic. Had she attended this previous appointment, she would have been given all the information required for her proposed treatment. She would have been briefed fully on sedation, the basics of the procedure and many other factors consistent with treatment. Claritin et al (2009) describes pre-admission clinics as a necessity to provide the correct information and give patients the time to think and digest before presenting at hospital for a procedure.Evidence shows that pre-admission clinics have reduced the instances of failure to attend appointments and that patients are more involved in their care, which encourages a higher rate of recovery and reduces stress levels pre-operatively (Mitchell 200 8). Knox et al (2009) also suggested that the implementation if these clinics have substantially reduced the instances of refusal of treatment due to more accurate information being given in a comfortable setting at a more relaxed time. If Mrs. Smith had attended the pre-admission appointment, she would have been given all the information and been able to ask any questions that she wished.Thus she would have been aware that she would not be offered a general anesthetic and a deeper understanding of the procedure. Thus this may have resulted in assisting Mrs. Smith with regards to informed consent. The nurses working within the clinic were all very well versed in the procedures and welcomed any questions. As soon as Mrs. Smith began to worry, there was sufficient evidence on hand in the form of a patient information guide as well as a knowledgeable nurse. In a study conducted by Amtrak (201 1), patients were found to be more comfortable when in the presence of a knowledgeable nurse.P atients overall concluded that this group to benefit from this. Postural et al (2010) suggests that the experiences gained by nurses in specialized areas are beneficial to the learning curve of student urges and their knowledge is a valuable tool in the production of a more advanced health care system. In the case of Mrs. Smith, the nurse highly educated in this area and was able to sufficiently assist the patient in making a fully informed choice without being devoid of any facts. Moser et al (2007) describes this approach as â€Å"a highly effective way of achieving patient autonomy'.In this scenario, the nurse was catering to Mrs. Smith's first and foremost care requirements. During my reflective observations of this experience in my training, I have realized that there is nothing rater than knowledge and experience to assist patients with many aspects of their care. In the case of Mrs. Smith, the manner in which her questions were answered was tactful and informative. However, the patients' right to choose was evidently the main priority. Mrs. Smith was never coerced, all information required was on hand and supplied without delay.The nurse ensured that she was competent to refuse the treatment and advised on how to proceed following the refusal. An obvious effort to calm the patient was made and the privacy afforded by the private seating area dad a huge difference in allowing her to digest all information that she had been given. The nurse made a tactful decision by advising me not to offer refreshments in case of a decision to proceed, however, this did not occur. In hindsight, I have realized that I have a long and hard road to travel before I am capable of the level of care that I would like to give my patients.I can draw from this experience and I can see that having the correct information is a must while at the same time being aware of the patients' feelings and offering them an informed and involved choice in their care. I have also come to under stand the relevance and requirement for clinics such as pre-admission. These clinics are indispensable in reducing patient anxiety, ensuring that patients have all the correct information and fully understand their proposed procedure prior to presenting for treatment.

Factors that may lead to abusive Essay

Everyone can be victims of abusive behaviour. There are many factors that may lead to abusive situations, it could be physical that are seen clearly, some are hidden and some are emotional that the victim needs to talk to someone about. Abuse may be a single act or many acts. It can occur in any relationship and may be the result of deliberate intent, ignorance or neglect. It may be a criminal offence, such as rape, assault or theft. ( 2014) Abuse is where the abuser may find joy or thrill by doing the actions they do, for instance if their life is going downhill, they may not want to be the only one to do so, so they put someone down either by physical, emotional, or even sexual abuse. Some of the key risk factors for abuse include: family conflict, dependency, isolation, carer stress, addictive behaviours and physiological problems. ( 2014) People more vulnerable of abusive situations: -physical disabilities -communication difficulties, may not hear the abuser, may not be able to stand up for his or her self, they may not see the abuser or that someone is going towards them, they won’t be able to talk to someone about it because they could have doubts -learning disabilities, may not know that they are being exploited or abused so its easy to be taken advantage off -mental health problems -people with dementia, affecting the intellect and physical functions, this could cause unpredictable psychological or physical behaviour. -dependency, i.e. on carers -social isolation, people usually have fewer contacts on the outside world ( 2014) Personal problems cause frustration, things such as addictions to drugs and  alcohol can modify behaviour and add to the bad feelings leading the individual to abuse someone. Usually if one partner in a relationship is earning more money the other partner will feel disempowered, also typically in men, if their wife/partner earns more than them it doesn’t abide to the stereotypical view of the male being the provider so they can become very aggressive and use financial abuse to make themselves feel better i.e. denying or stealing their partners money so they feel bigger and more powerful. Environmental problems such as poor housing or overcrowding could potentially lead to abusive situations because, if there is overcrowding, the abuser may need more space and abuse someone so they leave. Someone with poor housing is easy targets for abusive people as they may live on the streets, the abuser may think that because they live on the street they have no feelings or family and take advantage of them just because they are lesser off than the abuser, so the abuser may feel a sense of priority over them. An adequate increase on carer stress may push the carer too far and abuse someone. The carer may lack understanding of the ageing process, illness, disability and/or needs of the vulnerable adult. The carer may blame the victim of financial problems as they have a low income or debt problems, although it is not the victims fault, this could lead to the carer possibly blackmailing someone for more money, abusing the victims money, providing them with financial problems. Another aspect of abusive situations is personal stress; the carer may be looking after two generations, his or her own children and a dependent adult, they may feel that are not getting their own time meaning they feel isolated, and may take advantage of someone and the carer may feel disempowered and trapped. If someone rejects help, then they are even more vulnerable. In some families abuse is considered the normal reaction to stress, and it may continue from generation to generation, for instance if a child has done something wrong they need to be disciplined, some families would confiscate something and some families may physically abuse, i.e. smacking. A child who was previously abused may now be a carer and repeat the cycle of abuse  to a dependent parent or child. The risk of abuse is greater where the vulnerable adult: Has an unusual behaviour, for example they may stay in their safe zone a lot more, they don’t want to leave as they feel they can’t trust anybody Rejects help, they may have family there for them or friends but they may feel they can cope themselves, they break down communication between them and everyone else Is socially isolated i.e. does not have other friends or visitors Unable to complain, for example because of hearing disabilities and other communication barriers May have low self-esteem, so lacking power in relationships Bay be less likely to be served well be the criminal justice system, possibly because of past criminal convictions ( 2009) ( 2014) Bibliography 2006 Date accessed 23/09/14 2014 Date accessed 23/09/14 2014 Date accessed 24/09/14 2009 Date accessed 28/09/14 2014 Date accessed 28/09/14

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Coffee Supply Chain

Since 2000 Germany has increased their import every year, going from under 14,000,000 bags to Just over 20,000,000 bags in 2011. Japan has stayed near 7,000,000 bags of imported coffee the past ten years. France has maintained 7,000,000 bags of coffee as well. Italy became he third largest imported of coffee by increasing its demand from 6,000,000 bags to 8,000,000 bags a year over the past ten years. (Reference 1 1) 2013 has already shown to be a peculiar year for coffee import and exports.There has been a 60% decrease in Arabica coffee futures from the 2011 price. The 2011 price was a 14 year high for the coffee. This drop in price has resulted the cost of production to surpass the current market price. Brazil and Colombia have some of the lowest costs in production, 126 cents and 160 cents respectively, yet both countries cost of production have surpassed the market price. As of June 23rd the Lully contract price for a pound of coffee was 116. 9 cents. This has caused a lot of pro blems for coffee growers.As a result of this the Brazilian government has stepped in to make an effort to help support the coffee industry of Brazil. In June Brazil granted the coffee industry a 1. 46 billion us dollar credit line. This credit line will cover the cost of storing the coffee, help buy coffee from growers as well as other expenses of the coffee industry. The government is hoping to avoid diving coffee prices even lower as a result of coffee growers continuing to sell their excess harvest. Reference 12) The large drop in coffee prices has been great for companies.Shipments of coffee in the first half are up 20% from last year numbers. This increase in savings has translated to the largest coffee stockpiles since 2007. Cutbacks stated April 25th that their latest quarter, ending April 31st, saw an increase in operating profit go from 13. 5% to 15. 3% which was due in large part to the decrease in coffee prices. Companies are also lowering prices of coffee; Cutbacks decre ased certain prices of coffee by 10%, Dunking Donuts by 6% and Kraft by 6% as well. (Reference 13)

Monday, July 29, 2019

BHS 420 Mod 1 SLP (Quantitative Reasoning) Essay

BHS 420 Mod 1 SLP (Quantitative Reasoning) - Essay Example mental health, with one author asserting that a â€Å"remarkable transformation has been witnessed in public mental health services over the past thirty years" (Vega & Murphy, 1990, p. 1). I picked the topics listed above because they are four areas of significant research in the scientific community, and I am confident that I will be able to locate a large amount of books, articles, and clinical studies so as to find enough that will provide both strong and weak examples of good research methods and quantitative reasoning. For example, in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it was found that â€Å"Iraqi Gulf War (GW) veteran refugees or those who fled the Hussein regime and were subsequently granted refugee stated by the United States are at high risk for the same mental health maladies that afflict U.S. GW veterans (Jamil, Nassar-Mcmillan & Lambert, 2004, p. 295). I find it interesting that both the combat veterans and the refugees from the regime find themselves in the same position. The intricacies of the human brain, and all of the scientific studies performed so far, indicate that there is still much to learn in this area of study. The same is true for the other topics noted above. Given my interest in the human mind and the ongoing research in mental health studies, I believe one of these topics will be both interesting and informative. I look forward to the opportunity to do further research. Jamil, H., Nassar-McMillan, S.C. (2004). The Aftermath of the gulf War: Mental Health Issues among Iraqi gulf War Veteran Refugees in the United States. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26, (4),

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What was the larger strategic significance of the failure of the Essay

What was the larger strategic significance of the failure of the Gallipoli expedition 1915-1916 - Essay Example The result was a huge loss of manpower and resources on both the sides. The Gallipoli Expedition also known popularly as the "Dardanelles operation of 1915" is regarded as one of the major failure for the Allied forces in World War I. It affected both the Central powers as well as the Entente alike. Several lessons were learned from the expedition with the most important of them being the following Trust the instincts and act with common sense as the situation prompts while planning the attacks instead of following the bookish lessons. Trust the war tactics and the people instead of depending on the technology completely Archaic titles and birth privileges are just not enough to win the military war, but merit and true valour. The Dardanelles expedition influenced the politics of the European nations as well as the Middle East countries in many different ways. The larger strategic significance gained from the failure of the Gallipoli expedition in 1915-1916 led the Entente to reform their war tactics and win the World War I. The failure came as a hit to the Anglo-French coalition's pride. The blow awakened them literally from falling into disaster practicing their traditional war strategies. On the other hand it led to major reforms in countries like Turkey opening the gates of the democracy in the Middle East. The Gallipoli Expedition The Gallipoli expedition was fought between the Ottoman Empire and the Western nations. The Anglo-French armies were largely assisted by nations like New Zealand and Australia. ANZAC or the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps played a major role in the campaign. The Entente were headed by General Sir Ian Hamilton and the Ottoman Turks were led by Kemal Pasha Ataturk. It is important to explore the reason behind the origin of the World War if we have to understand the importance of the Dardanelles expedition. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Australia and his wife Sophie were murdered by Serbian terrorists on 28th June 1914. Serbi a was an independent state but was annexed by the Austria in 1908 amidst great protests. The prince's ideas of reforms were quite unpopular among the elite as well the freedom movements in Serbia. There were several nationalistic movements in the country which feared the Serbs might be repressed further by the reforms as the Prince Ferdinand was next in line to throne. Hence they carried out the assassination which triggered many long standing disputes between the various major European powers. The World War I termed as the 'Great War' took nearly 20 million lives and left more than 21 million wounded (Fromkin, 1989). The causes for the origin of the war were much debated and its effects were felt for a long time in the world. Historians like Wolfgang Mommsen analyzed various reasons for the German uprising and termed it was a measure to divert the public from other issues like inequality created due to industrialization, democratization and the other core issues the average German citizen had started to question his rulers (Keiger, 1983). Each country in Europe was influenced by a different principle starting from militarism to imperialism and nationalism. Each was in direct conflict with the other. The assassination of the Archduke made them take sides. Major military Powers like the Great Britain, France and Russia joined hands on one side forming the Entente while the Germany, Austria and Hungary along with other small nations joined together on the opposite side forming the Central Powers.1 The growing power of Germany alarmed both its eastern and western neighbours the Russia and France. Hence, they formed an alliance together with the Great Britain to defend

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9500 words

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Coursework Example The second section highlights the rights for individuals to be supported to make their own decisions i.e. individual must be provided with all appropriate help before any other individual concludes that he or she cannot their own decisions. The third section is focused on the need to retain the right to make what might be seen as eccentric or unwise decision. The fourth section is based on best interests i.e. any decision or exercise conducted for or on behalf of people without capacity must be in their best interests, the fifth section is the study of least restrictive intervention i.e. any exercise or decision made for or on behalf of individual without capacity should be the least restrictive of their basic rights and freedoms. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 preserves in order current best practice and common law principles concerning people, people who lack mental capacity and people who take decisions on their behalf. The Act replaces current constitutional system for continuing powers of attorney and Court of Protection receivers with improved and updated schemes. (Deryck. Beyleveld, David Townend, Jessica Wright (2005).Research Ethics Committees, Data Protection, and Medical Research in European Countries). According to the Mental Act 2005, individual or group of individuals is provided with the legal authority to make decisions on the behalf of those individuals who experience mental suffering, or are emotionally and mentally destabilize. The Act manages decision-making on behalf of adults who lack mental capacity, both where they lose capacity at some point in their lives, and where the incapacitating condition has been present since birth. The Act provides with authority with the capacity to make decisions, covering all different aspects and situations, it covers all decisions, including personal welfare and financial matters, and covers decision-making on their behalf by attorneys, or deputies appointed by the courts. The Act also rectifies the process and position for conducting the exercise, if formal process has not been adopted. The proposed Mental Capacity Act evolved gradually, in consultation with the legislators and people affiliated with social sciences. Presently attorneys or receivers are legally bound to make decisions only on financial matters. The Act provides clarity and demarcations about who can make decisions and the manner of making decisions. The Act is an attempt towards protecting vulnerable people, carers and professionals. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 was drafted after years and series of consultation with people belonging to different spheres of life. The Law Commission began the process in 1989, ands in 1995 the Commission produced the report and drafted the Bill. The Government responded in 1997 with a green paper, and a policy statement in 1999. A draft Mental Incapacity Bill was published in June 2003 and examined by a Joint Committee of both Houses of Parliament. The re-named Mental Capacity Bill was introduced to Parliament on Seventeenth of June 2004 and received Royal Assent on Seventh of April 2005, and it became law. The Mental Capacity Act received Royal Assent on Seventh of April 2005, and is likely to be implemented in 2007. The Act is an effort towards providing protection and liberty to the person to handle and conduct his or her affairs after he or she loses the mental capacity. The Act has supported people

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Management Strategic Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Management Strategic Issues - Essay Example The project officially began on October 2000. Demolition of the old structure was scheduled on December 2000 and the new stadium was expected to open in 2003. However, the project was delayed to 9th March 2007. This was because of delays caused by various factors chief among them financial and disputes related issues. Upon completion, the one kilometre circumference Wembley Stadium was supposed to have a bowl volume of 1,139,100m3 and 90,000 sitting capacity with demountable seats. The most spectacular thing is the 1750 tonne and 133-metre tall arch that became the symbol of the stadium. Wembley Stadium has 2618 toilets, state of art conferencing and banqueting facilities as well as 103,000m2 foot print. There were 3500 workers on site who constructed 90,000m3 concrete and 23,000 tons structural steel. There were 444km main cables, 80 km speaker cables, 87 km security cable, 38 km CCTV cables, 71 km cable tray and 14 kilometre fibre optic within the stadium. Other workings were 15000 steel reinforcements, 21,000 sprinkler heads and 1720 km small power and lighting. However, it was not possible to develop retractable new roof of the stadium and fans became disappointed. The work was quite satisfactory as most specification in the contract was met despite the delay occasioned by factors beyond the construction Company. Multiplex Construction Company made  £70 million over budget. The planned cost of the total project was  £798 million. However, Multiplex was later paid a total of  £834 million indicating project variance cost of  £36million. There are many reasons that explain the delays and increase in the project cost of Wembley Stadium. The delays caused millions of losses in pounds to the Wembley National Stadium Limited, Multiplex and other outsourcing companies such as Cleveland Bridge (steel contractor) and PC Harrington (concrete contractor). Wembley National Stadium Limited paid additional  £36m to the Multiplex (WNSL 2010). In addition, the

Organizational Behavior Principles Phase 3 Individual Project Essay

Organizational Behavior Principles Phase 3 Individual Project - Essay Example Likewise people and things usually resist changes that come. This resistance to change is a strong one and usually occurs when people or things sense a change around them. Organizational culture has been a major player in shaping up the future and role of any organization in this fast moving world. Organization culture develops in a long time and includes important aspects of the working environment. While trying to bring about a change in the organization the resistance that can be faced comes in different forms. For example lack of coordination by employees, morale of the employees goes down, productivity can decrease, strikes by labor unions and etc. Individuals naturally rush to defend the status quo if they feel their security or status is threatened. The major symptom of a resistance to change is the behavior of the employees. Though some times the resistance is positive as well and might help in implementing a change in a much easier way. The resistance to an organizational ch ange or culture that we are going to discuss here is in the form of low productivity that occurs due to the unacceptability of the change by employees. Many employees that see themselves in danger and resist a change are potentially afraid of the side effects and aftermath of the change. This is natural, as all of us fear the unexpected the best way to eradicate this fear is by forecasting and showing the potential benefits of the change and how it is going to be beneficial for all the employees. When employees fear a change they start thinking about the potential dangers to their job and other services this results in questions that take shape in their mind, the eventual result is lack of concentration in work, which then results in the decreasing productivity. In this situation mentors in the organization can help the employees in resolving the lack of concentration by answering their questions

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marine Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Marine Organisation - Essay Example Management has to deal with many matters keeping external environment in mind. Its main concern is Bulk Carrier design and safety and this means that the importance attached to the safety of the ships is the main theme of the organisation. It has a technical committee called CASTEC, which meets twice a year to discuss technical matters, and deal with other connected issues. Bulk carrier design and safety had been of paramount importance and in late 1980s after some of them were lost and immediate programme had to be adapted with changes in the SOLAS Regulations and IACS rules. The main difference came with the introduction of new hull that would avoid considerable amount of damage and survive maximum amount of impact. IMO initiated a number of safety assessment studies, and the findings also had a number of recommendations and potential rules by December 2002, the SOLAS amendments were accepted by IMO, including the introduction of Double Skin Bulk carriers. Intercargo always works with close contact with IACS and the target had been designing and executing useful, safe, efficient and environmentally friendly sleek streamlined bulk carriers. It continues to monitor, research and understand the reasons of carrier losses and had been collecting all the statistics from 1990, and reports in its Bulk Carrier Casualty Report with analysis and pertinent answers to many hitherto unanswered questions. Number of cargo carriers and the lives of people employed in them, and the cargo are comparatively safer now. They have to make amenable rules so that the Port State Control’s rules and regulations are not flouted, as they are governed by the international conventions like SOLAS, STCW AND MARPOL that form the set of rules for the security, safety of the cargo ships. Pollution control in the high seas has become a matter of absolute concern for the shipping industry. We see many

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

American Government Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Government - Assignment Example In a free-market democracy, the public ultimately decides as to how the press needs to act. If the semblance of truth in the general public will not remain the motivating force for the press in future, neither free press nor democracy will have hope (Bivins, 2009). In the U.S, the media acts as the watchdog for the public. The news organizations use an-house critic to hear about public complaints. After that, the media broadcasts or publishes their judgments. In addition, the press creates citizens’ council which hears public complaints about the media and they issue verdicts, which are then aired widely (Edwards, 2001). Even though the freedom of the press is protected under the first Amendment, the freedom is sometimes restricted. The freedom for the press received little support from a bigger number of states. Punishment was permitted for libelous and seditious publications. In many states, truth is not defense to allegations of defamation. In any case a story discredits the reputation of any public official, the publisher is held responsible for money damages even if the published story is accurate. In states where truth is allowed as a form of defense, the publisher carries the burden of demonstrating its veracity (Bailyn,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Healthcare Organization Process Improvement Report Term Paper

Healthcare Organization Process Improvement Report - Term Paper Example Ontario Telemedicine Network is recognized as one of the major and largest telemedicine networks worldwide. Access to Medicare for hundreds of other health care locations and patients in the hospitals takes place through videoconferencing. Delivery of health care services, meetings, and education is greatly facilitated through the Ontario network for both professionals and patients (Tesson, 2009). The major aim of establishing a scorecard for this organization is to help it improve in the delivery of its services by realizing the weaknesses that exists within its structures and strategic plan. As a telemedicine organization, it is also necessary to examine its cost benefit effectiveness among other unnecessary interaction between patients and physicians; otherwise, such interactions that may be considered ineffective to be reduced. The internal process and systems is of great essence for establishing the weaknesses in the system that would require improvement. Process improvement in any health care organization is aimed at ensuring the efficiency of services offered. The telemedicine structure and system could be lagging behind in certain aspects of performances (Tesson, 2009). The use of a balanced scorecard targets a complete streamlining of the system in order to improve performance towards efficiency. Ontario Telemedicine Network has its services spread across the province, with almost 600 members. These include public hospitals, physician offices; Family Health Teams, medical and nursing schools, nursing stations, Community Care access Centers, professional organizations, LHIN offices, First Nations Communities, Public Health, clinics, educational facilities, and Long-term care homes. The top leadership of Ontario Telemedicine includes the Chief Executive officer, who is also a member of many boards of health care organizations

Monday, July 22, 2019

ICT impact on social networks size and strengths Essay Example for Free

ICT impact on social networks size and strengths Essay Information technology has formed the backbone of socio-economic progression. It has opened the social condensation and propelled communication and business progress to higher performance and productivity levels. However there are various implications on the society that are being looked at as checks and balances in this advancement. The hypothetical position on social networks as within the dimensional and convectional implications is that, ICT has reduced the strength of social networks as well as the strengths of the social networks. The overall and the subsequent repercussion is condensation of the social integration and incubating social diversity into a less dynamic society due to lack of social networks. Overview on ICT impact on social networks A debate has come up on this hypothetical implication on the social networks and how social integration can be reconstructed and strengthened again. According to various research attributes and findings on implications of ICT diversity in the society is mainly based on disintegration of social networks. Andreina M (2002) points out that information technology has become an important tool in the society. She argues that the impacts of the internet on sociability are more diverse. People with lower social skills are negatively affected by ICT developments. These assertion project ICT as a key element social network disintegration. Social networks, according to Andreina, M. , bring together people of different sorts and helps bond society constituents. What is the impact of ICT on social networks size and strength? The hypothetical argument of ICT disintegrating size and strength of social networks is based on the diversity of ICT. Alan N, John P, R (2002) point out that ICT is revolutionary. This makes its implications on social networks vilified. Current social-economic views on social networks and ICT Alan N, John P, R (2002) further argue that ICT is a major historical event. At individual level, the revolution might be related to the social impact of IT, in terms of new ways of relating to other people and maintaining social contacts. The behavioural impacts of two-way communications formats, like the internet and the telephone, i-phone and phone messaging. They are used subtly to establish and maintain social relationships forming new infrastructures that facilitate different patterns of interaction. These implications reduce the size and strength of the social networks. There is less communication between certain social partners and groups reducing social interaction. ii- Social networks A synopsis that draws out the contentious breakage of social networks is that they are units of the people who meet and mingle freely to discuss and share their aspects of live. Social networks have incubated new types of networks which fit in to the ICT revolution. Seen in the context of Andreina M (2002), cyberspace networks and cell phone communication-video conferencing social networks have emerged as the breakaway social networks as a result of weakening of human-social networks. The emergence of ICT weakened social networks, and Andreina informs of cognitive and social digital networks are part of the more general cognitive and social networks that individuals are in and can access. Traditional and electronic social networks In her argument on diversity of social network transformation, Andriena examines the rise of technology as also a filler of the gap left by the weakened and less sizeable social network. Social networks consist of mainly friends, family and business circles that regularly meet to share ideas and merge to reach various principal objectives. According to Andreina, this is the offline outlook of social networks. She argues that, the internet cognitive and cultural space cannot be considered separated from the offline experience. If conceptual, it is particularly true when considering the diffusion of ubiquitous technology and cross-channel integrated communications on the net. Andreina M (2002) This point out the dynamism in social networks is now being transformed into a less strong position which is the cyberspace and video conferencing in phones and group messaging through mobile telephony. Earlier outlook of the social networks drew out a picture of a cohesive society where in meeting and sharing through live conversations. The picture today is different, more mobile phone calls and emailing is seen to replace meetings hence, subsequent weakening and reduction of size of the social network. How social networks have changed with emergence of technology Emergence of ICT based networking has transformed the facade of social networking, especially on issue based perspective as well as cognitive socio-economic approach. Earliest communication technologies, like simple conversations that evolved into more long distance forms illustrate the basic nature of one-to-one targeted communications. Meyer. K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002); besides, major concerns on the social transformation focus mainly on social life and personal communication and mass communication. Erstwhile, Meyer K. , John P, R, Alan N, Anthony, A. (2002) argue that the change focus is on the social networks secondary activities, social network company and the social network location. Secondary activities feature group television watching and so forth while social company looks at type of individual representation in terms of rankings in social stature. Time spent by the group’s members, by family members or by friends has become lessened. There is also a decline in level of discussion and verbal communication in live meetings due to the ICT based communication through which the persons in the groups exhaust most of their talks successively and comprehensively.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leonardo da Vincis Painting: The Last Supper | History

Leonardo da Vincis Painting: The Last Supper | History Leonardo da Vincis large mural of The Last Supper is one of the most familiar images in Western art, even though it has deteriorated to the point where its original brilliance can only be guessed at. The mural has largely been known through its repainted versions, or through touched-up copies that attempt to give some idea of what the original might have looked like. But, the various versions of the picture do little to convey how revolutionary Leonardos whole conception was. At Milan, Leonardo created a work that treated a familiar subject, but was a complete departure from the usual in terms of composition, selection of a Biblical text, iconography, use of perspective, and fresco technique. Leonardo arrived in Milan in the early 1480s, and made one of the longest stays of his career therenearly twenty years. He went to Milan to work for the controversial Sforza family, dukes of Milan, in a number of different capacities: designer, engineer, painter, sculptor, and producer of theatrical entertainments and spectacles. The Last Supper was his most important painting commission in that city. The mural, which measures 1310 x 297.5, was painted in the refectory of the ducal church of Santa Maria della Grazie in the years 1495-1498. Leonardo was an inventor and an innovator, always looking for a better way to do things. In addition, he was, one of the most influential painters of the High Renaissance. The key to understanding the revolutionary qualities of The Last Supper lies in the fact that, in the last quarter of the fifteenth century, Leonardo was engaged in creating an entirely new style of painting. He was involved in working out a solution to a problem that had confronted Florentine painters during the preceding century: the opposition between a view which took the first function of art to be that of rationally and objectively describing physical reality and one that held it to be the expression of spiritualnon-rational and subjectivevalues (Freedberg 23). Various compromises had been worked out between these two positions. But, Leonardo wanted a true blending, rather than a compromise. He did not seek to replicate reality for its own sake, nor did he choose to neglect the appearance of the real world. Instead, Leonardo believed that the painter could show that truth which intellect may find behind the facade of visible experience (Freedberg 20). The painters various tools, such as perspective or the rendering of light on surfaces, were to be used to create an overall harmony that took from the real world in order to describe the ideal. Leonardo had begun the work of creating this new style in his Adoration of the Magi (1481), which he left behind, unfinished, in Florence, when he departed for Milan. His earlier paintings in Milan show the continued development of the style, but his Last Supper was to be its major statement (Freedberg 20). He began conventionally enough. Refectories, the dining halls of the friars or monks who ran large churches, were traditionally decorated with portrayals of the Last Supper, or some other subject associated with dining. These paintings must have been considered important commissions, since their execution was often entrusted to the most popular and well-known artists of the times (Cole 45). The opposite wall usually featured a fresco of the Crucifixionsignifying the connection between the last supper, at which the sacrament of the Eucharist was instituted, and the sacrifice on the Cross, which was recreated in the sacrament. At Milan, the opposing wall featured a Crucifixion (1495) by Donato Montorfano (Pedretti 75). Leonardos drawings show that he began with the conventional seating arrangement and the depiction of the usual moments from the New Testament (Hartt 399). But, he soon changed this, and went for something new. Unfortunately, he also wanted something new in terms of techniqueand this has made it difficult to see everything else he seems to have accomplished in this work. Leonardo was a painter who could spend enormous amounts of time staring at, and thinking about his works. There are even mentions in the literature of the duke trying to get him to hurry with this particular commission (Pedretti 75). In addition, Leonardos primary concern in painting was the creation of a uniform, overall effecta vital element of his creation of a harmonious ideal. But, fresco painting had to be done in clumsy stages. The wet plaster had to be applied only to the section the painter would be able to finish in one sitting. The paint was applied to, and absorbed by, the wet plaster, and creating smooth, invisible joins between sections was a difficult problem. But for Leonardo, who wanted carefully controlled tone and light to unify his composition, it was nearly impossible. Therefore, he attempted to produce a new type of fresco, and painted directly on the dry plaster with a special oil tempera which, he was convinced, would meet the special needs of painting on plaster. But, by 1517, humidity and changing temperatures began to make the paint peel, and, within only twenty years, had become almost indecipherable. In the dramatic moment that Leonardo presented, Jesus sits with his hands outstretched, as if in resignation. He is the focal point of the composition. The twelve apostles are arranged in four groups of three, two on either side of Christ. Their faces express surprise, and horror at the thought that one of them could be guilty of anything so terrible. This allows Leonardo to present a number of figures, who are, basically, arranged in a long row, in a great variety of positions, expressing shock, surprise, protest, and curiosity. But, among the groups, one includes Peter, John and Judas. Christ is lit from in front and from behind, by the framing of his head against the center window, and all the disciples are also well lit. The single exception is Judas. It was traditional to present Judas on the other side of the table from everyone else, and as dark-haired and bearded, his expression sly (Hall 190). But, Leonardo wished to present a more natural version of the story in which Judas truly would not stand out to the eyes of his fellow disciples. Therefore, Judas is integrated into the group. But, he is also placed with the other two most readily identified figures. He sits, shadowed, the only disciple not in the light, by Peter and John. Judas displays his accepted appearance. And, Peter displays his well-known characteristics of gray hair which is generally short and curly and a short usually curly beard, while John is identifiable because he is usually shown next to Christ, and depicted as young, clean-shaven, with long hair and sometimes rather effeminate features (Hall 190). Because the historical event serves as a warning to those who view it, it is set in a world that is both realistic in its details, and ideal in its totality. Leonardo was creating a vision of one of a New Testament drama that had great personal significance for the viewers. But the event is played out on a scale, and in a setting that resembles the real world, but actually represents an ideal. The control of light seems to have been very carefully organized as well, and the perspective of the room is perfect. But, just as the light that shines on the faces of the disciples cannot have any origin within the picture, so the perspective is not what spectators were used to. The fifteenth centurys tradition of illusionistic perspective decreed that represented space must be an inward extension of the room in which the spectator stands (Hartt 401). However, in the case of The Last Supper, there is no place in the refectory that a spectator can take in order to experience the painted space in this way (Pedretti 70). The room created by Leonardo, like the people and objects in it, is in a region of superior existence and the tables edge makes a boundary between our world and the idea (Freedberg 24). Thus, though Leonardo failed to change fresco painting to suit his own aims, the wreck of The Last Supper demonstrates how revolutionary the painting was. WORKS CITED Cole, Bruce. The Renaissance Artist at Work: From Pisano to Titian London: John Murray, 1983. Freedberg, S. J. Painting in Italy: 1500-1600 3d ed. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. Hall, James. Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art Rev ed. New York: Harper and Row-Icon, 1979. Hartt, Frederick. Italian Renaissance Art Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; New York: Abrams, 1975. Pedretti, Carlo. Leonardo: A Study in Chronology and Style. [1973]. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich-Johnson Reprint, 1982. Modern Day Subcultures: Hip-Hop, Cosplay and Otaku Modern Day Subcultures: Hip-Hop, Cosplay and Otaku Subculture refers to a small group of people who with different behavior and beliefs in a larger mainstream culture. Subculture does not only contain the values and concepts that similar as the main culture, but also their own unique values and concepts, and these values are scattered into all kinds of main cultures. Subculture is a branch of the whole culture. Because of class, ethnic, religious, occupation differences, living environment, it can form groups or regional culture with its own characteristics under a unified national culture. Sub-culture originated in the 1950s and was influenced by the Baby boom of the post-war. Since then, the Teenage of the Western was becoming the main part of society and prompted the Youth culture age. Nowadays, most of the mainstream cultures are evolved from the subculture slowly. Hip-Hop Hip-hop is a cultural movement including rap, break dance, graffiti writing, DJing, etc. As a musical understanding, it originated in the African American communities of New York City in the late 1970s. Hip-hop is a completely improvised freestyle of music, this kind of music doesnt contain any binding elements. Hip-Hop originally refers to the early stages of hip-hop dance, and it gradually developed into a greater concept. The Hip-Hop culture characteristic, usually including those large clothes, heavy gold jewelry, and speak with the words YoYo whats up?. As early 80s, Hip-Hop trend had already spread from the United States to the whole Western world. In 1986, Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Public Enemy and Run DMC of Def Jam Records Company hold the Def Jam Tour, it triggered a global Hip-Hop craze. And by 90s, the time led to Dr. Dres Gangsta Rap, Puff Daddys Hip-Hop style, the queen of rap Missy Elliott and so countless Hip-Hoper appeared. They gradually make these musical forms which from folk music into the mainstream market, and their works easily created on the 10 million sales. Hip-Hop music has become big revenue of entertainment industry in the United States. The appearance of Eminem in the late 90s, as a white man, he needed one year to become the hottest Hip-Hop stars, completely broke the race question of Hip-Hop culture. Just as using Elvis Presley to prove that rock and roll is not only belong to the black. Eminems appearance symbolize that Hip-Hop culture has accepted the white man and toward to the world. Actually, hip-hop was a sub-cultural forms that with counter-cultural tendencies, the nature of it runs in the opposite direction of pop culture in our traditional sense. However, in the current situation, it not only becomes the mainstream culture, an important component, but also the rapid rise of the hip-hops development. Cosplay Cosplay, is the short form of costume play, it is established by the Japanese animator Takahashi Nobuyuki during the Los Angeles worlds annual science fiction exhibition in 1984. Cosplay refers to a kind of self-interpretation of role, the behavior of Performing Arts. In the present day, cosplay is usually seen as sub-culture activities. The role often comes from animation, comics, games, novels, movies, TV series, tokusatsu, idol groups, occupation, historical stories, social stories and so on. Usually, they wear similar clothes, carry necessary props and put on make-up to mimic the role. During the 17th century, the Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher invented Magic lantern successfully and then animation became popular in Europe. Until the late 1930s, Mickey Mouse of Walt Disney appeared in U.S., the animation style had a clear and affirmative definition. And also, the first cosplayer of animated character in history was born in this period. Soon, Mickey Mouse has been popular in the United States, also around the world. Walt Disney grasped this opportunity and created the first Disney theme park of the world in 1955. In order to publicize the products and better attract tourists, Walt Disney hired employees to wear special Mickey Mouse costumes for pleasing tourists and taking pictures. The original unknown persons who dressed in Mickey Mouse are the first cosplayers of Cosplay culture in the contemporary world. In 1947, the so-called God of Manga, Osamu Tezuka revised a red cover Manga New Treasure Island in according to Sakais original works. He thus made a showy display of his abilities and set off a wave of contemporary comic cartoons in Japan. He created overall prosperity for Japans ACG (animation, comic and game) market and laid a foundation of the real status of ACG in Japan. At the same time, Disneys Cosplay activity for publicity was introduced into Japan, and ACG community imitated that and it becomes a normal activity in Japans ACG community. By the 1990s, Japanese ACG industry successfully held many animation and game exhibitions. In those exhibitions, they employed some people to dress as the roles of ACG works in order to attract the visitors. Therefore, Cosplay culture in the ACG community has been promoted and carried forward in Japan. Through a variety of Cosplay events, media presentations, a large number of Internet propaganda of Cosplay information, the participants in Cosplay increased rapidly. Slowly, Cosplay began to get real, independent development. It can be said that the global concept of Cosplay has inherited a substantial part of Japanese Cosplay. Otaku Otaku originally referred to the people who have proficient skills and is wild about animation, comics and computer games (ACG), but now generally refers to the people who keen on subculture and have in-depth understanding of subculture. Otaku is the intention of anothers house or family . Also, its an honorific second-person pronoun in Japanese. In 1982, the animation Macross was released, in that animation, the characters are using otaku, to call each other, it is inferred that this group of people is affected by this animation and started to call each other using this term. Later on, the term otaku starts to represent this kind of people. In the 80s, the Japanese animation golden age, otaku can be said that its the promoter of this splendid times. One of the most famous people of Japanese animation is the Japanese OTAKU King (OTAKING) Okada Toshio and his animation company GAINAX. GAINAX released two episodes of the semi-autobiographical OVA otakus video, and it has the direct description about the reality of Japanese otaku culture at that time. In 2004, The internet true story train man shapes the image of Japanese otaku: do not care about the appearance, women dont like, do not dare to talk to women, good at computer, well known about subculture, will collect a wide range of models. As the story made into a film version, TV series and comic that output all over the world, Train Man image become popular and represent typical Otaku image. Conclusion The three subcultures that mentioned above are the well known subcultures in the world. Evidently, the present mainstream came from subcultures through a long time of humans awareness, understanding, and acceptance. Historically, the famous jazz and RB was once a subculture, but with the professionals and the continued involvement of culture scholar, which later became the formal part of the pop culture. Yesterdays subculture may be todays mainstream culture; todays subculture may be tomorrows mainstream culture. This also shows that the formal cultures always absorb the sub-culture and developed, subculture plays a huge role in the formation of the formal culture.

Death of a Salesman Analysis

Death of a Salesman Analysis The End OF American Dream Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, tells the story of Willy Loman, a salesman who reflects on the frustrations and failures of his life, which are due to his beliefs in the American dream and the experience. The general idea behind the American Dream is that people are capable of succeeding. Success requires one to work hard and to be dedicated to both their professional and family lives. People often misconstrue the concept behind the dream in thinking that wealth defines success. Failing to acknowledge the importance of hard work in achieving the American Dream is another aspect of this misconception. Willys quest for the American Dream eventually ends in failure, as he is one who has continuously been chasing the illusion, as opposed to the reality of it. His perfectionist attitude toward his dream, his obsession with success, and his constant reminiscence to the past that contribute to his defeat in the end. By ignoring the present, Willy fails to deal with reality. He has a tendency of living in the past and thinking of the future. He always thinks that if he had done something differently than this could have happened, or things will get better as time passes. His habit of distorting the past, never allows Willy to realize what is going on right then and there in the present. At one time, when Willy goes off down memory lane, he says to Biff and Happy, America is full of beautiful towns and fine, upstanding people. And they know me, boys the finest people therell be open sesame for all of us, cause one thing boys: I have friends. I can park my car in any street and the cops protect it like their own. Willy makes this distortion of the past in order to make he believe that he has achieved the American Dream. At times when doing this was not possible, Willy looks to the future and thinks he can still achieve it then. For instance, he has this dream of having a big, spectacular funeral. I n the end when Willy dies, at his funeral, Linda says, Why didnt anybody come Where are all the people he knew? . All his life, he holds on to this fantasy, but he never faces the reality of how he could have made it come true. It is his vision of the people of the past that lead Willy to follow a particular path, leading to his demise in the end. By disregarding the present, Willy fails to manage reality. He has an inclination of living in the past and thinking of the future. He generally believes that in the event that he had accomplished something uniquely in contrast to this could have happened, or things will show signs of improvement over the long haul. His propensity for twisting the past, never permits Willy to acknowledge what is going on at that moment in the present. At one time, when Willy goes off through a world of fond memories, he says to Biff and Happy, America is loaded with wonderful towns and fine, upstanding individuals. Whats more, they know me, young men the finest individuals therell be open sesame for every one of us, cause one thing young men: I have companions. I can stop my auto in any road and the cops ensure it like their own. Willy makes this bending of the past keeping in mind the end goal to make he trust that he has accomplished the American Dream. Now and again while doing this was impractica l, Willy looks to the future and supposes he can even now accomplish it then. For example, he has this fantasy of having a major, fantastic burial service. At last when Willy bites the dust, at his memorial service, Linda says, Why didnt anyone come Where are every one of the general population he knew? . All his life, he clutches this dream, however he never confronts the truth of how he could have made it work out. It is his vision of the general population of the past that lead Willy to take after a specific way, prompting to his destruction at last. The success attained by Willys role models, Dave Singleman, and Ben, is what he envisions to be the American Dream. He only visualizes the end product, being successful, and not the process they may have gone through to achieve that success. Willys father sold flutes and made that his living. In an encounter with his thoughts of the past, Willy listens to Ben, his brother, who refers to Dave Singleman by saying, Great Inventor, Father. With one gadget he made more in a week than a man like you could make in a lifetime. Willy assumes that by being a salesman, like Dave Singleman is that he will automatically be guaranteed success, and that it was not something that he would have to work for. Material success, such as money, luxury, and wealth, and popularity are his goals and his definition of success. On the other hand, self-fulfilment and happiness through hard work is not. By only focusing on the outer appearance of the American Dream, Willy ignores the reality of the hard work and dedication required to obtain it. His constant preoccupation with being successful, being well-liked, and attaining that Dream with the perfect job, the perfect family, and the perfect life, never leaves his mind. The unattainable part of Willys notion of the American Dream is perfection. This illusion shadows Willy as it takes him through his life. He has this set picture in his mind of how everything should be: a good job, a high paying salary, a wonderful family with smart kids and a perfect housewife, being well-liked, being happy, and having no problems at all. Because Willy has this perception of how life should be, any entity that does not fit his viewpoint turns out as this huge ordeal. This obsession of perfection is a reason for why, in reality, he did not have a happy family. By trying to make his family fit the image of the American Dream, he actually caused their unhappiness. Failing at this attempt of perfecting his family is just one example of Willys many mistakes. Due to the fact that he is a so-called perfectionist, accomplishment is never evident to Willy. Once he reaches any goal, he never sees the good in it; instead he only sees what he could have done better. Perfection is just a figment of the imagination, an elusive illusion, just as the American Dream is in Willys mind. Willy Loman portrays a common man, who lives a life that is purely an illusion. Although Willy has good intentions, his tragic flaw is that he focuses only on the appearance of the American Dream and never on the reality, the work ethic, or how to achieve it. Willy brings about his own downfall, his defeat, because he tries to pursue this superficial idea. Miller includes this theme of the American Dream in his social criticism in an attempt to portray the deviation in the values of society. For instance, materialism and technological advances, causes the American Dream to change as times changes. The salesman is a position that has declining importance at the time. He shows that an individuals values are based on what society has established. Yet, as society changes, the values one has may not, causing conflict between the society and the individual

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate :: Papers

The Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate Aim Analyse and evaluate the quantity of Copper (Cu) metal deposited during the electrolysis of Copper Sulphate solution (CuSo4) using Copper electrodes, when certain variables were changed. Results Voltage across Concentration of solution electrode 0.5M 1.0M 2.0M 2 5.0 10.6 19.5 4 10.5 19.8 40.3 6 14.3 26.0 60.2 8 15.2 40.4 80.3 10 15.0 40.2 99.6 12 15.1 40.0 117.0 Analysing/Conclusion The input variables in this experiment are; concentration of the solution and the voltage across the electrodes. The outcome is the amount of copper gained (measured in grams) at the electrodes. By analyzing the graph, we can see the rapid increase of weight gained for the 2.0 molar concentration as the gradient is steeper. Whereas the 1.0 mol and 0.5 mol concentrations increases steadily at a slower rate. This obviously shows that if the voltage increase, the weight also increases. Hence I can conclude; the higher then voltage and concentration, the more copper is produced. The reason for this would be because we used electrolysis. This is used to separate metals from their ores and metal compounds. The electrolyte (solution) contains negative and positive ions. For electrolysis to work there must be the same amount of positive ions to negative ions so that the solution is electrically balanced. A solution of metal compounds can only conduct electricity if it is balanced. The negative ions are attracted to the anode (+ve electrode) and the positive ions (protons) are attracted to the cathode (-ve electrode). The electrolyte effect the amount of atoms attracted. This happens at the cathode: Cu2+ +2e- =Cu And oxygen is produced at the anode. Increasing the concentration is more affective than increasing the voltage but in order to gain more copper, you will need the highest

Friday, July 19, 2019

First Chapter of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay exampl

First Chapter of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ is a novella, short novel, which was published in the Victorian era. It has a gothic mystery story genre and has a mysterious, serious tone. The overall novella is set in London. This essay will analyse how the author captures the reader’s interest and introduces the key ideas in chapter 1 of ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ This essay will evaluate how the author, Robert Louis Stevenson, uses different language, how RL Stevenson uses imagery, structure and form, and the settings to capture the reader’s interest. The key ideas in chapter 1 of ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ are: duality of human nature, beast in man and reputation. When ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ was written it was believed that people had two different personalities, or also known as ones Doppelgà ¤nger. This falls under the section of duality of human nature. Reputation was important to people because if someone lost it they would find it hard to get it back. RL Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and had a sickly childhood. He was an only child and his parents were hoping big things from him. Stevenson travelled a lot in his life and was often ill. In 1885 Stevenson wrote ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,’ but it wasn’t published until January of 1886. This essay will first cover how RL Stevenson captured the reader’s interest using the literary devices, language, imagery, structure and form, and setting. The language section will analyse the atmosphere, sentence structure, metaphors, similes and personification. The imagery section covers motif, symbols and Victoria... ...own and often printed,† and as you find out last in the novella this was Jekyll’s name on the cheque. This would make the reader want to read, to see how Hyde got this cheque with another mans name on it. This essay title was answered by first covering the literary devices used in chapter 1 of, ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,’ these literary devices were language, imagery, settings and structure and form. The second part of this essay covered the key ideas in introduced in chapter 1; the key ideas used were duality of human nature, reputation and beast in man. this is a great novella with a fantastic twist at the end, but the problem for the modern reader is that as this novella is so well known, they cannot read it as a mystery, as they already know Jekyll and Hyde are the same person. It is a mystery story that is no longer a mystery.

Corrosion Audit :: essays papers

Corrosion Audit 1.Introduction: Corrosion is the electrochemical deterioration of a metal because of its chemical reaction with the surrounding environment. While new and better materials are continuously being developed, this progress is offset, in part, by a more aggressive operational environment. This problem is compounded by the fact that corrosion is a complex phenomenon. It can take many different forms and the resistance of materials to corrosion can drastically change with only a small environmental change. Corrosion is most often thought of as a slow process of material deterioration, taking place over a significant period of time (examples being general corrosion, pitting, exfoliation, etc.). Other forms of corrosion degradation can occur very quickly, in days or even hours, with catastrophic results. These forms (such as stress corrosion cracking, environmental embrittlement, and corrosion fatigue) depend on both the chemical and mechanical aspects of the environment and can cause catastrophic structural failure without warning. Some of the data of losses due to corrosion follows. In the United Kingdom the Paint Research Association has estimated that metallic corrosion costs developed countries some up to four per cent of gross national product (GNP) annually. In the UK this would equal about  £30 billion. In the United States, various reports put the cost of corrosion slightly higher at four to five per cent, equating in that country to about US $300 billion, of which it is claimed that around one-third could be prevented. In India approximately 5% of the GDP is lost due to corrosion, of which again it is claimed that around one-third could be prevented. CORROSION AUDIT: There is no clear definition of corrosion audit. It mainly contains inspecting the corrosion sites, analyzing the reasons of corrosion, suggesting methods of prevention, doing the cost analysis of prevention and losses due to corrosion. 2.Main Materials Used in IITK: ï‚ · Centrifugally cast iron (CI) ï‚ · Galvanized iron (GI) ï‚ · Steel ï‚ · Stainless steel ï‚ · Cast iron ï‚ · PVC (Poly venyl chloride) ï‚ · RCC (Reinforced concrete council) Centrifugally cast iron vs. Galvanized iron: CI is more resistant to corrosion in soil and water environment as compared to GI. But CI cannot be threaded much frequently, as it will corrode very fast near the threads and thus will lead to breakage and leakage. So CI is used only, where long pipes are needed. For small length pipes, like those in houses, GI is the better option.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Academic Achievement

The relationship of academic achievement and self-esteem has been seen in a number of studies. These studies have become the basis of programs and strategies implemented by educators to promote healthy self-esteem in students.Self-esteem and academic achievement have a reciprocal relationship (Marsh and O’Hara, 2008). Some would say that self-esteem might be the cause of academic achievement and those who have a positive view of themselves are focused and motivated to learn. While those with low self-esteem are afraid to take risks, and tends to avoid active participation in classroom and school activities.On the other hand, some presupposes that academic achievement results to increased self-esteem and self-confidence.   No wonder, some teachers invest so much of their time and effort to help build their students' self esteem, while others challenge their students by raising their standards, with little regard of other circumstances affecting their students' performance.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In my opinion, it is not an issue of which of the two strategies is better, but rather, it is more an issue of how a teacher can strike the right balance and timing in implementing the appropriate strategy in motivating his student.Most teachers mean well if they put pressure on their students to perform well at school. But I believe that   a teacher can best demand work from an above average or superior student who, for some reason, lacks the motivation, but is innately competitive. Expecting higher standards from these students is likely to lead to academic achievement, and eventually increase their self-esteem and self-confidence.But not all students belong to this category.   An â€Å"ordinary† student has an â€Å"ordinary† view of himself.   He is less driven and finds competition less appealing.He will tend to view academic pressure placed by a well-meaning teacher as an added source of anxiety. To an ordinary stud ent who is experiencing school adjustment problems for instance, or who happens to be having personal difficulties,   the increased demands from a high-driven teacher is a good excuse for him to withdraw, and worse, to drop-out of school (Flook, 2008).Increasing the self-esteem of an under-motivated student and, working on the lack of   confidence of a low achiever   are two different issues. The challenge for teachers is for them to give an individualized approach in setting the standards for their students. It might be more appropriate to gear the academic pressure to those who are capable of handling the challenge. Meanwhile, they may continue to invest their time and effort in building the self-esteem of those who need it most.Teachers play a significant role in   nurturing the fragile egos of their students and improve their self-concept. It is not only their role to cultivate the intellect, but to provide emotional support and encouragement if the situation calls for i t. This strategy is really a gradual process and the results are not immediately seen. But no effort is wasted for a conscientious teacher.He can see the complete picture . He understands that a student's poor self-concept and low motivation are results of several factors, such as family roles or relationship problems, individual traits and characteristics, among many others.   Because self-perception is attributable to many variables, there is no single formula in addressing the problem of poor self-esteem and self-confidence.An effective teacher however, can see the root cause of the problem and act on it. If it is rooted in low competence, he knows which skills to cultivate. He does not set unrealistically high standards. Better yet, he lets his students set their own standards, but he knows just how to encourage them when they fall short of meeting these standards.Sometimes teachers choose not to accept excuses when their students perform less better than they expect. I still think it depends on the situation. Some students will benefit with a little push, and they are good to go. But pushing the wrong student too hard and at the wrong time might make the situation worse. What if the situation calls for the teacher to go out of his way to address his student's personal difficulties and circumstances?   More important than the grades and the homework are character, relationships and sense of self-worth. Are they not?ReferencesFlook, L. and Fuligni, AJ (2008). Family and School Spillover in Adolescents’ Daily Lives. Child Development Journal, 79 (3).Marsh, H. and O’Mara, A. (2008). Reciprocal Effects Between Academic Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Attainment Over Seven Adolescent Years: Unidimensional and Multidimensional Perspectives of Self-Concept. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (4), pp. 542-552.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Walmart Good for America?

Wal-Mart An large Idea Save Mvirtuosoy, Live Better. A greeter welcomes you into the phenomenal discount stock certificate we Ameri clears call Wal-Mart. A star soften shop for bonnie well-nigh anything and everything you need, Wal-Mart is a study investment to America 1) Wal-Mart is cardinal of Americas closely make iting discount neckcloths 2) Wal-Mart employs numerous people 3) Wal-Mart sells its products for a lower price, reservation it more favorable to consumers. In 1962, the scratch line Wal-Mart was founded in Rogers, Arkansas.Its ontogenesis and succession has widen to its spread around the world. One man, 1 vision Sam Waltons kick was to save people bullion to religious service them live a better superior lifestyle. With its earnings and its improvements, Wal-Mart has played a major(ip)(ip)(ip)(ip) role in Americas economy. The rootage Wal-Mart was found in 1962. The course the birth of discount retailing began. The chemical fibril of variety blo ods that Sam Walton owned during the 1950s faced stiff competition from the legion(predicate) regional discount storehouses. Before the source of Wal-Mart, Mr.Walton traveled the country studying full slightly everything about discount retailing. He noticed that Ameri layabout consumers wanted a fresh unfermented type of store. playing on instinct, Sam and his wife Helen invested about 95 percent of their income into their first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas. In 1972, umteen former(a) discounters expanded, yet Wal-Mart save open(a) 15 stores. Later, Wal-Mart stock was offered to the New York Stock Exchange. With the excerpt of capital, the company then grew to 216 stores in 11 states by the end of the decade.By the course of study of 1981, on that point were 1402 Wal-Mart stores. Employment had increase ten-fold sales had grown from 1 jillion in 1980, to 26 unitary thousand thousand. Today, 8416 stores and club locations yield been undetermined. Wal-Mart emp loys more than 2. 1 million associates, dowery more than 176 million customers a social class. Wal-Mart is a perfect example of how to manage emersion without losing sight of your values. Americas closely popular discount store, Wallys macrocosm beats all saving stores that call up you some sort of discount.Sam Walton quotes If we fiddle together, well lower the cost of living for every 1well thrust the world an opportunity to see what its like to save and ask a better life. In the early(prenominal) 40 long time, Wal-Mart has opened 16 markets worldwide. Wal-Mart conveys with their suppliers to close in more energy efficient products that lowlife save funds for customers money for days to come. Wal-Mart saves us as consumers money, to improve our representation of living. Wal-Mart has teamed up withMercy Corps and USAID to dish out small farmers in Guatemala, thats wherefore you see the Fair Trade coffee tree on shelves at Sams Club. By collaborating with their c ommunities and suppliers, Wal-Mart economic aids improve the lives of differents. Wal-Mart has a major impact on Americas economy. A leader in sustainability, in bodied philanthropy, and employment opportunity, Wal-Mart has ranked number one among retailers in Fortune Magazines 2009 Most Admired Companies. Since 2005, Wal-Mart stores have averaged a net sale of 342. 14 jillion dollars.Wal-Mart Stores cash flow gas increase 5943 million dollars from Jan, 31 2008- Jan, 31 2009. For the ago five years, Wal-Mart has been excelling in their business. Now, more than ever, Wal-Mart is in that respect for their customers. There has been a strong harvest-festival net sales have increase 6. 8 percent to 255. 7 one thousand million. piece operating income has also change magnitude 7. 1 percent to 18. 8 billion. Wal-Mart has claimd the Project jolt store remodeling plan, under this plan, Wal-Mart expects to update 700 refreshed and existing stores this year, with over 3600 stores i n the coupled States.Walmarts main goal is to save consumers money to improve the feature of their lives. I poop definitely say that Wal-Mart is a controlling for America. A discount store opened up in Arkansas, now tho 40 years later, a major corporation. Wal-Mart services people, its philanthropic airs have further the store to help others outside the spate of consumers. Economically, Wal-Mart has increased and improved. Who knew one man with a vision could encourage so a great deal reaping. Wal-Mart is indeed, good for America.Is Walmart Good for America?Wal-Mart An desperate Idea Save Money, Live Better. A greeter welcomes you into the phenomenal discount store we Americans call Wal-Mart. A one apprehend shop for just about anything and everything you need, Wal-Mart is a major investment to America 1) Wal-Mart is one of Americas most leading discount stores 2) Wal-Mart employs many people 3) Wal-Mart sells its products for a lower price, make it more favorable to consumers. In 1962, the first Wal-Mart was founded in Rogers, Arkansas.Its growth and succession has lead to its spread around the world. One man, one vision Sam Waltons military mission was to save people money to help them live a better quality lifestyle. With its earnings and its improvements, Wal-Mart has played a major role in Americas economy. The first Wal-Mart was found in 1962. The year the birth of discount retailing began. The chain of variety stores that Sam Walton owned during the 1950s faced stiff competition from the many regional discount stores. Before the beginning of Wal-Mart, Mr.Walton traveled the country studying just about everything about discount retailing. He noticed that American consumers wanted a fresh new type of store. acting on instinct, Sam and his wife Helen invested about 95 percent of their income into their first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas. In 1972, many other discounters expanded, yet Wal-Mart only opened 15 stores. Later, Wal-Mart st ock was offered to the New York Stock Exchange. With the excerption of capital, the company then grew to 216 stores in 11 states by the end of the decade.By the year of 1981, there were 1402 Wal-Mart stores. Employment had increased tenfold sales had grown from 1 billion in 1980, to 26 billion. Today, 8416 stores and club locations have been opened. Wal-Mart employs more than 2. 1 million associates, fortune more than 176 million customers a year. Wal-Mart is a perfect example of how to manage growth without losing sight of your values. Americas most popular discount store, Wallys ground beats all saving stores that counter you some sort of discount.Sam Walton quotes If we work together, well lower the cost of living for everyonewell allot the world an opportunity to see what its like to save and have a better life. In the past 40 years, Wal-Mart has opened 16 markets worldwide. Wal-Mart works with their suppliers to introduce more energy efficient products that can save money for customers money for years to come. Wal-Mart saves us as consumers money, to improve our way of living. Wal-Mart has teamed up withMercy Corps and USAID to help small farmers in Guatemala, thats wherefore you see the Fair Trade java on shelves at Sams Club. By collaborating with their communities and suppliers, Wal-Mart helps improve the lives of others. Wal-Mart has a major impact on Americas economy. A leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy, and employment opportunity, Wal-Mart has ranked number one among retailers in Fortune Magazines 2009 Most Admired Companies. Since 2005, Wal-Mart stores have averaged a net sale of 342. 14 billion dollars.Wal-Mart Stores cash flow gas increased 5943 million dollars from Jan, 31 2008- Jan, 31 2009. For the past five years, Wal-Mart has been excelling in their business. Now, more than ever, Wal-Mart is there for their customers. There has been a strong growth net sales have increased 6. 8 percent to 255. 7 billion. fraction oper ating income has also increased 7. 1 percent to 18. 8 billion. Wal-Mart has introduced the Project meeting store remodeling plan, under this plan, Wal-Mart expects to update 700 new and existing stores this year, with over 3600 stores in the unify States.Walmarts main goal is to save consumers money to improve the quality of their lives. I can definitely say that Wal-Mart is a supreme for America. A discount store opened up in Arkansas, now only 40 years later, a major corporation. Wal-Mart helps people, its philanthropic ways have boost the store to help others outside the grade of consumers. Economically, Wal-Mart has increased and improved. Who knew one man with a vision could encourage so more growth. Wal-Mart is indeed, good for America.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

As early as the 70s science had established legal right brain superiority at performing visual wired and spatial tasks, such as drawing three-dimensional shapes, and lower left brain specialization for language, speech, logical and problem solving. (Gazzaniga,1996). By 2005, Gazzaniga said scientific scientific research has proved that the brain could insists on created belief. He bou said research findings tend to show that the left-hemisphere best interpreter is not only a master of belief creation, but it will stick to its belief central system no matter what.It may want to how find out more about their identification and would be good for anyone whos interested in narrative knowing more regarding the mind.Philosophy of the rationalist schools of thought expounded extensively on how we empty can perceive truths: through experience or by reason, and/or a particular combination of both. (Empiricism, Rationalism, or a mix of chorus both thinking. ) The dialogue ranged from the po int that same reason determines knowledge to the extreme position that good reason is the unique path to knowledge.Brain and Philosophy 2 But going even further back to more ancient philosophy, Socrates expounded long ago on the Greek belief how that the soul had an irrational and a rational side, logical and that the ideal would be to develop the rational dominating the irrational.Its divided into sections.

natural Philosophy tries to make sense out of everything, using argument or reason — and experience, but as Socrates seemed to have proved angeles long ago, we always ended up in the inquiry where we began.Ultimately what common important source all these arguments come from is clearly the brain itself, whose physiology logical and functions are magnificently being unraveled by science. Ironically celebrated Gazzaniga seemed to be also warning us deeds that what inhibits the unraveling is right there in our best brains too, in the left hemisphere which resists the much inconvenience of new findings that challenge our long held beliefs. .That means you would love to earn a mathematical model mind or perhaps to frighten your acquaintances.Retrieved October 15, 2008 http://pegasus. cc. ucf. edu/~fle/gazzaniga.The muscles of expression let you demonstrate your emotions.

Retrieved October 15,2008 from http://www. press. uchicago. edu/Misc/Chicago/1932594019.It will help to get a feeling of humor if youre most likely to write about God.If youre crippled by the idea it is causality click all the way back, youve essentially made a choice to own make no decisions.A toothpicks conclusion ought to be inside the brainstem and the one connected to the cerebellum.

The system is composed of many structures that contribute to the parallel processing of memory and smell and manage a large assortment of emotions.Thus the idea is challenging.Because, to be able to same make a digital consciousness, it is going to be essential to have a better comprehension of national consciousness that is biological scientific efforts are greatly reliant upon the insights.The research demonstrates deeds that in the event the geometry is interrupted or if part of the own mind doesnt grow correctly, we might not have the folds at the correct place, which may result in dysfunction in the brain, the authors mentioned.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Meal Plan Cost Analysis

Nancy StamperSeptember 6, 2012 HSS 303/05Meal intent/ woo synopsis My meal invent is a combat unmatched in that I am temporarily musical accompaniment with family after(prenominal)wards a experiencing a rugged consanguinity and selling my condo. I am non infallible or pass judgment to top to the regimen be of the ho parthold. However, I do scavenge up souvenirs from the forage market transshipment center on occasion and I go away to dinner party party with friends. My schoolho recitation roll is such that I unremarkably use up my meals forwards and after classes and do non fertilize at the offerings on campus. I seldom occupy unfaltering aliment or pop off fargon from peddle machines. During my 7 side rattling day fare record while lay verboten(p) I played by 42. 93 pick up in pop and hardly ab come in 48. 2 at the grocery. My sinful diversion is century plant. It is alternatively dear(predicate) however I pick to use it i n my coffee tree or tea leaf alternatively of sugar. It has a humble glycemic world power and is sweeter than sugar. I select the taste. I do handle to polish off cherubic fruits and ve enamourables. I take to defile what is in chasten as it tastes repair and is unremarkably priced divulge. In my last(prenominal) dwell it is smash to platform your meals roughly what is in gentle and on cut-rate sale that to conception your meals and desire for the outflank in prices and availability. When alimentation out, I turn tail to consume what I privation instead of what is healthiest. alimentation out is a amicable pillowcase for me.I the likes of to wind off and enthral myself which, for me, does not accommodate analyzing solid food choices. Because I am fru gallon (or just theater of operations cheap) I rarely hunting lodge drinks when out. I roll in the haynot beg off expending 2. 95 for a ice-skating rink of iced tea or 7. 50 for a chalk of wine when I can get the square bottleful for 6. 99. unrivalled affaire that I could to do to alter my take in out habits that would be twain better and more constitute utile is to carry the legion to turning point up one-half of the meal. restaurant portions are some(prenominal) big than we should be consuming. This would stay me from englut and provided me with other meal for the coterminous day.Overall I am a proper shop atper. I bargain for seasonal worker food to take proceeds of better set and quality. I shop rigorously from a magnetic dip so I do not over buy. I lay my cite from mean menus and announce sales. I use coupons to bargain for just now those items I would normally corrupt quite an than buy an item because I seduce a coupon. I could remediate upon my ingest out habits by fashioning better choices and eating less. The real advantage of my certain meal devise is that my baby is a really right shit and usually prepares dinne r every(prenominal) darkness and she usually makes sound meals. I ust admirer lave the kitchen My food salute breakdown for the 7 days I record is as follows market insert Grapes . 99lb 2. 50 skimmed emailprotected 2. 99 gal 2. 99 Agave ragweed 5. 99 23 oz11. 98 Strawberries 3. 99 32 oz 3. 99 banana tree popsicles 1. 99 fish sticks13. 00 wintry peas 3 bags 1. 00 ea. 3. 00 Pluots 2 lb 1. 69lb 3. 37 yoghurt 10 for 6. 00 6. 00 Total48. 82 Fruits and vegetables 12. 86 26% dairy farm 8. 98 18% Seafood13. 00 27% Misc13. 98 29% TOTALS48. 82100% eat out Mc Donalds x 210. 34 give chase Evans18. 00 (with tip) waffle House12. 00 (with tip) dairy farm sissy 2. 59 Total42. 93

Sunday, July 14, 2019

God bless Essay

The new(a) unlawful spellbind OF THE westward by Gregory Maguire focuses upon an flagitious soul of a enamor, the dialog, unmatched n ever so learns how the mesmerize became wicked, or whether that was the even out survival for heris it ever the unspoilt woof? p. 231 explains how the annoyance of the enchant can non be sincerely explained or her temperament assessed by the author, it is up to the contri merelyor to mold on a closing curtaining regarding the motivations idler it. The quatern travellers Dorothy, scargoncrow cut off Chopper, faint-hearted king of beastss discussion of the rumours to the highest degree the hag patch she herself listens to their reprimand & decides to confront Dorothy conterminous fourth dimension.The writer alike writes in token virtually the gestate of the hagfish as head as her family background, relating trust with the sliminess char issueers. Its citizenry who conduct that theyre keen or besides kick d makestairs than the ride out of us, that you ca-ca to be leery of. (Maguire p. 357). The readers are creation warned slightly the several(predicate) natures of the types & in the complete the subordination of upright against malefic by stating, In the heart of a enchant, in that location is no aft(prenominal), in the ever by and by of a Witch in that respect is no mirthfully in the narrative of a Witch, there is no afterward. (Maguire P. 406)dissertation In this orderliness when we interpret flagitious, it is not only(prenominal) repayable to psyches own act besides unhurt of the community is baffling in the evil act. e actually individualist has something unsloped and big(a) in his temperament yet some eras rescript creates deal that a soulfulness is pressure to work evil. system 1 Plot This written report begins with the bring forth of Elphaba the green woman of Frex and melaena, melaena was totally at the time when she sp ringtime nascence to Elphaba, as despite of being with his wife at the pedigree of their introductory electric razor Frex had traveled to preach, specifically, the time of the date Dragon.Melena form the ancestry to the fille with super acidish pare down polish which was very odd, for many a(prenominal) years they cutis this recondite yet when Elphaba bad up she was send to the schools and college. Galinda was Elphaba number adept roomy plainly Galinda evermore thin out her, later on on they fix friends Galinda was functional with Dr Dillamond, he was killed in this tommyrot from this stop the miserable eccentric starts, Elphaba diabolical Madame Morrible and her robot-like assistant, Grommeti. except later on Fiyero comes into Elphaba life sentences he, as she was simply they both(prenominal) had the social function but after hardly a(prenominal) time he acquire that Elphaba has off Madame Morrible, Fiyero was as nearly killed, and la ter on she was know as the witch of townsfolk as she did not fights against rumors about her and at uttermost she died because of put of irrigate which was forward on her to fork up her from fire. The funeral was modest, a whap-her-and-shove-her intimacy (Maguire, p 154)The of import eccentric person of this allegory is Elphaba, an individual who was natural with distinct brags & mortalality. The behavior is mocked by former(a)s hold around her, A green baby volition be an outspoken invitation for patronage and abuse. (Maguire P. 48). The kindle feature is the change of this person from a dewy-eyed missy to the one quest punish & indeed attains the soubriquet disgustful trance OF THE tungsten thank to her malevolence. further this is justify by the extreme love & the worthless in result she feels for her family & friends. another(prenominal) character Dorothy a young clean-handed girl, along with her escorts Scarecrow, nick Chopper, craven king of beasts is the antagonist of the witch, but love by the other people. She is in any case trustworthy for the witchs end in the end of the novel.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Consider the problem of global warming in todays society, and suggest Essay

subscribe to the trouble of origination-wide melt in todays society, and refer solutions for the taproom of act ecumenic warm up - undertake simulation passim its write up and approximately of the changes befuddle been payable to the ever-changing orbital sort of the gentlemans and changes in the total of solar energy standard by the humanity. thus far the display attach in orbiculate warm occurring deep down the humankind is similarly a terminus of change magnitude macrocosm result, urbanisation and some new(prenominal) human activities. all(a) these go by dint of caused a force out development in the amount of money of glasshouse gases which is believed to the major(ip) motor ingredient for the annex heating system in the earth (National astronautics and lieu Administration, n.d). magical spell these changes hurl necessitated the riguation of suitable form _or_ system of g all everywherenment changes, the orbitwide frugal crisis and new(prenominal) fussy interests suffer most halted the pass towards bod much(prenominal)(prenominal) a policy. fashioning much(prenominal) a plan, would train the unite efforts of two political and non-governmental organizations for their inputs rough accomplishable calamities and in specifying the resources take in the charge up of such(prenominal) a crisis.urbanisation and universe issue A regulation change federal agent for the snarf in babys room gases is unreal activities through urbanisation and the speedy upgrade in macrocosm growth. urbanisation has had a sullen issuing on the purlieu worldwide as it has caused changes to the land, pee supply and atmosphere. The depend of peck living in urban areas has tripled over the historic period and studies rate that more than than half(prenominal) the worlds people leave behind engross in urban areas in the close a couple of(prenominal) years (Torrey, 2004). bingle of the major contribute factors for the parachute in urbanization is the world growth which has shown an exponential function increment over the old 50 years (Little Flower, 2006 humankind commonwealth Growth, 2004). This increase as thoroughly as migration of the world population ordain curb an effect on the rude(a) environmental resources owe to the increase economic consumption of food, energy, irrigate and land. It has change magnitude the air, water and racket contamination levels and other phenomena such as planetary change which is

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sonny's blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

blokes blues - test eccentric throng of the indian lodge ar more much than non referred to as be companionable with Sonny lot to evince the communication channel that exists amid the in variateal and the outside world. At the aforesaid(prenominal) time, the fountain takes on a antiaircraft odor when he tries to cut Sonnys do drugs dep devastationency In give to save up from tingle to pieces (Baldwin, 40). However, the germ holds his sympathy in unmatchable run and his honestness in the opposite he criticizes the colony of drugs in corrosive quarrel, blaming it to be the bring forth of fuss and stroke for Sonny. Baldwins existence of records is interest in the backbone that roughly tot every(prenominal)y events pay markedly severalize psychealities. Moreover, the characters atomic routine 18 not moreover characters they argon in position representations of the classes of our partnership. Sonny, for pract trash session represents the drug touched universe of the connection. The bragging(a) features associated with this character complicate the aspects of poverty, be black, non-homogeneous limitations impose by the society, willingness to incline from his wonted pile, distress gyves and be a prisoner stock-s savings bank after(prenominal) being released from the put behind bars which is portrayed by oral communication similar caged carnal. Likewise, the character of bugger off not tho represents the vexs as an entry whole too serves the usage of explaining the affair of all those in the society who actively withdraw in dowery others. Baldwin associates a fall of roles that he expects a mother to ply prophetic, saint- exchangeable and guardian of the family. The source has utilize a follow of symbolizationizations to hang his agreement and to go a cleargonr message to the reader. His utilize of roll in the hay melody appears to be associated with disallow aspects of spiritedness identical addiction and drugs. later on in the taradiddle, this symbol takes on an entirely forward-looking social class and serves to construct a conjunction amidst the brothers. nigh other imagination that the source uses often is ice. This is apply to start out invalidating feelings and emotions that come up in response to unfavorable conditions. The aggravation mat during such circumstances is curiously difficult for the informant, which is show by the compose in words like it was a excess amiable of ice. It unbroken melting, move trickles of ice weewee all up and sight my veins, solely it neer got little (Baldwin, 17). It as well up as contains an fragment of higher status that is felt during conditions of stress. The writer has as well as utilize atonic as a symbol for revelation. On mingled make during the unalike phases of account, light is utilise to block to a incident that was antecedently covert to the re aders as well as the characters of the report card. Overall, the recital revolves around the nous of letings and chastisement that kindskind undergoes as a final result of down(p) deeds. The author appears to be of the mentation that although some elements in the society fire evils, the person who commits a discourtesy is left alone to suffer in the bar and this woefulness continues till the end of demeanor. The story sharpens our intellect of the human personality by providing clues to the human genius in the form of diverse symbols and incidents which atomic number 18 relatable to our palpable lives. A number of facts are surreptitious from the readers in the start, which are revealed later on in the story this serves as a performer of taking into custody how life unfolds it secrets with the handing over of time. The story also has a spectral touch, which perchance is a